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Server shutting down

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Hi All,


I've been finding that my server is shutting down in the early morning. It has happened 4 times in 4 days, each day I get a Discord notification that a parity check is starting. 

I setup the syslog server function to try and see what is happening before the shutdown but I am having trouble understanding the logs.


I would really appreciate some help please.


I'm always willing to learn but understanding what is happening is a bit beyond me right now. I have attached the diagnostics and have included a syslog server file within the Logs folder.







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I'll have to wait a week or so to do a memtest. Still not sure if it is safe to leave it running or not.


Interestingly, having done nothing to the server, it managed to finish the parity check (with errors) but has been up for 30 hours now.


Latest diagnostics attached. Some errors to work through.




Edited by elnevera
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7 minutes ago, elnevera said:

wait a week or so to do a memtest

You don't want to even attempt to run any computer unless memory is working perfectly. Everything goes through RAM, the OS and other executable code, your data, everything. The CPU can't do anything with anything until it is loaded into RAM.

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