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Boot USB didn't remount correctly upon reinserting.

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Boot USB didn't remount correctly upon reinserting.


I bumped it by accident when I was doing a hazardous experiment with a USB to IDE to  SATA I just hotwired and hotglued together from junk parts.


was /dev/sdb but then became /dev/sdp


I think it is ESXi that can handle reinserting the USB not sure about other systems probably openwrt some BSD based freenas pfsense that's an interesting security dilemma. He he.


In any case the NAS is inoperable, can't start the Array or install plugins when the USB flash fails.


Therefore this is an architectural dilemma what  happens when the boot drive fails.



Edited by GRRRRRRR
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47 minutes ago, GRRRRRRR said:

what  happens when the boot drive fails.

Create a replacement USB stick with the USB creator or manually, restore your backup, boot up, transfer the license key, done.


I personally just went through this exact scenario a couple days ago, took less than 15 minutes.


51 minutes ago, GRRRRRRR said:

Boot USB didn't remount correctly upon reinserting.

It's not designed to. The license is tied to the stick, don't remove it while the array is running.


52 minutes ago, GRRRRRRR said:

I bumped it by accident

Much better to mount the stick inside the case, if your motherboard doesn't have a full size USB port on the board itself you can get a cheap adapter that converts from the 10 pin IDC header to a USB. Having the stick inside the case makes it much more difficult to accidentally damage or remove.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will try to do it with IDE to cfcard but I need to reconfigure the cfcard from industrial 4MB to normal 1GB first, probably with some DOS tool or some SMtool or something.

Any ideas how to de-industrialize the cfcard pleaze let me know. Cheers.


Other than that the solution is to deploy the functions across 2x unRAID and stack some sync tech such as  glusterfs.


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