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Yet another rebuilding expanding question


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Currently my array is set up as this:

6TB drives for P1&P2

4TB for disk 1&2 (used for personnal data i don't want to loose)

4TB disk3

6TB disk4

4Tb disk5 

Disks 3, 4 & 5 are for media files

i also have 3 single ssd xfs pools.

I want to upgrade drive capacity. Currently it seems that 16TB drives have the best price/capacity ratio.

For the array the final situation would be:

16TB for P1 & P2

6TB for D1 (replacing former D1 &2)

16TB For D2 (replacing former D3, 4 & 5)

What would be the less stressful (for the disks) and most secure (for the data) path to migrate ?


As i now have a good connection at home (8Gb/s download, 700Mb/s upload) i plan to migrate my nextcloud data (currently on spinners) to a ssd pool but i want them to be protected.

In the past i had trouble with btrfs pool which destroyed my ssd in a few months (reason why i have one ssd xfs pools)

So i think of making 1 or 2 zfs mirror pool. I know i have to wait for a future release to have zfs integrated in unraid.

Currently data on ssd only are docker img, libvirt img, appdata, domains and system;  downloads are on ssd too but mover takes action.

I have backups for ssd only data and for data on D1 & D2.

Will the zfs integration allow zfs pools to act as cache of the array ? any release date leaked ?

For the zfs pool i bought entreprise grade ssds with 1,3 dwdp for 5 years.


edit bonus question: if i have a share set as cache only and i modify it to be cache yes or no, will the mover take action ?

Edited by caplam
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6 hours ago, caplam said:

if i have a share set as cache only and i modify it to be cache yes or no, will the mover take action ?

Yes or no, depending. Cache yes, moves data from cache pool to array, as long as the data is not in use or open. Cache no, mover does nothing. The help text on the share page should help clarify this.


Most secure would be to upgrade parity drives one at a time, doing parity checks after each upgrade.

Then use the better of the two old parity drives to upgrade disk1, once again doing a parity check after the upgrade is complete.

COPY the data from disk2 to the new disk1.

Upgrade disk2 to 16TB, once again parity check after the operation is complete.

Format disk2 to clear it out, change desired format type, format it, then change it back, format again. Takes a few minutes each, not long at all.

COPY the contents of 3,4 and 5 to disk2.

Set a new config, preserve all, then set 3,4 and 5 to none, build parity again, check parity again.


If you follow this exactly, you will end up with all your data where you requested, and none of your original data drives will be overwritten, they can stay intact as backups.


For ZFS questions, my best answer is wait until it's been live for a few months, ZFS itself is fine, but the Unraid integration could have teething problems, best to wait and let the bold take the risks.

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