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Unable to access server using myunraid.net address

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The myunraid.net URL is an optional feature that allows you to access your server via an https URL without any browser warnings.


In order to work, your server and web browsers need a solid connection to a DNS server which can resolve a local IP address for the domain name. You don't want to use this solution if your Internet drops regularly, because if the Internet is down then the DNS lookup will fail.


When your browser is reporting "server cannot be found" that means at that moment the DNS server your client is using is unable to resolve the domain name to an IP address.


The most likely cause is that either the DNS server your clients are using is flaky or your Internet connection is flaky. 


To rule out an issue with your DNS server running at, I would point the server and your clients to If there are still intermittent issues then there is likely an Internet connection problem.


Admittedly, there is also the chance the issue could be on our end with our authoritative DNS server. We do occasionally have issues setting up new servers, but I've not seen any issues once domains have been setup.  If you make the changes above and continue to have issues, PM me your full hash.myservers.unraid.net URL and I'll see if it resolves for me. 



Note that uninstalling the My Servers plugin will have no effect on the url used to access your server as this is a feature of the base OS not the plugin. If you would like to disable the myunraid.net url for your server see https://wiki.unraid.net/My_Servers#How_to_disable_SSL_for_local_access

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You mentioned having issues over VPN. The same advice applies - your client still needs to be able to access a reliable DNS server. If you are using Unraid's built-in WireGuard client then be sure to set the "Peer DNS server" to something like and not your local router.


TBH though, if you already have a secure VPN connection, then there is less of a need for SSL. So accessing the server via IP address is probably fine.

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2 hours ago, ljm42 said:

The myunraid.net URL is an optional feature that allows you to access your server via an https URL without any browser warnings.

Thanks. I actually had that prior to this implementation by just adding my self-signed certificate to the keychain on the machine(s) I use to access the server. 

I can’t do any testing right now since I just finished disassembling my entire network as part of a move but will see how it’s working once it’s all setup again.

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