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Unable to access UNRAID after a backup usb failed

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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So v.6,11,x cant remember, reboot and no diagnostic data here, i'm stupid was using rely old usb stick just upgraded motherboard cpu and ram last night was having some boot from usb problems but i did figure it out and booted and did a parity check 18 hrs. Zero problems   so i figured hey lets upgrade the os and actually followed the " make usb back up" rule, this time not many times before yes i know now i'm stupid and the usb failed so the help im looking for is my pool data recoverable have the only back up i maid like an hour a go in zip file don't know if it is a enough


So i did reboot burnt the backup to a new usb drive but get the no Defult or ui configuration directive found! boot:

Then i tried plug  the broken usb in my windows pc and i can se all the data on it so i tried to copy and paste to the other usb stick(did not by another license) whith the backup data on and it did not work 

So on the backup is folders named config , efi ,logs ,previous, syslinux, System Volume Information and files named bzfirmware and bzmodules


So watt are my options here yes i'm a noob but i like to figure things out my self yes i tried to search  the forum before making a post

Edited by Diddmaster
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4 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Re-create the flash drive with a stock install, confirm it's booting, then restore only the /config folder from the backup.

i did do it and default works. after the copy it is running and asking for login at the server screen displaying my server name root and my pass dose not work default pass dose not work it is showing up on my network as my server name and is plank inside and i cant open the webgui tried my server ip, tower, my server name but on the screen of the server it is displaying my. (name login:)

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