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Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I had an Unraid server with 4x 4TB drives. It was a HP server with a RAID controller but it was configured as JBOD so no RAID. 

Everything was running smoothly, but I wanted to upgrade. So I wrote down the disks order and moved them to a new Unraid server. Connected them in the same order, then configured the array accordingly.

But now all disks show “Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout”. 

I tried without a parity disk first but no luck. Then I configured the parity and it starts syncing the parity. I know it is a risk but it thought maybe it needs the parity to start. This should be the old parity so I’m not too worried about that. 

Am I doing something wrong here?


It is a new Unraid installation on a new USB. I still have the old server and the old USB. So probably I could move the disks back and I should be able to access my data, but then I still don’t have a new server to move it too.

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Thanks a lot! That seems to be the problem. I installed Unassigned devices and was able to mount the disks and browse them to verify all the data is still there. 


After reading the other post I have a few questions. 


“I unmounted it from Unassigned Devices, and with it unassigned from the array, I started the array.”


So I would start the array with 3 disks including parity and leave one data disk out of the array?


As soon as I start the array the parity sync starts. I canceled this, so I think my parity is not original anymore.


“The emulated disk mounted and as far as I can tell the data still looks good, so I think I can proceed to rebuilding the disk.”


What is an emulated disk? This is the one data disk not in the array right?


And how do I rebuild that disk? Does it need the parity? Or are we rebuilding a disk from the array?


Would be great if you could point my in the right direction or maybe the steps I should follow. 

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Ok, and then I follow this procedure?



And this is possible regardless of the  “Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout” status of the other drives?


And as the array starts in the new server it will try to sync parity. Any way to prevent this? Or should I let it run a sync first and then remove one of the drives and re-add and rebuild it?

Edited by Redindian
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  • 2 weeks later...

Little feedback, rebuild the parity disk in the original HP server with the RAID controller. Then moved all disks back to the new server. Just make sure you use the exact same disk assignment. Then start the array. It won't be able to read the partitions but that's ok. Then stop the array, remove one of the data disks (not the parity). Start again to register the missing disk. You'll now be able to browse the missing disk and see all the files and confirm that is correct. Stop the array. Then re-add the missing disk and start in maintenance. Then rebuild the re-added disk. Repeat for all data disks. Took 3 x 8 hours, but everything is working again!

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