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80 days to rebuild replaced drive

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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i replaced one of my drives that has pending sectors the other day with a new larger 8tb drive everything was going good it said it would take 18 hours to rebuild. overnight it got to 40.9% and something changed and now its bouncing between 60 and 80 days to rebuild it. ive seen other threads where this could be issues with the sata cables but not sure how to verify that's problem the issue here could someone help review the logs see why its going to take so long all of a sudden



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disk 6 the new one I put in is defiantly way off from the others seems like that's where the issue is thanks for all the help *update* found during a manual smart test "servo/seek failure" so that explains everything gotta warranty the drive out now.

Edited by Syrade
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