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VPNs, Dockers and Bridges

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TL:DR - 1. Prowlarr on Gluetun won't connect to other containers not using gluetun's container connection. 

           2. how to get vpn working for containers generally.




I've been scratching my head a little. I've setup the gluetunvpn container to securely provide vpn tunnels to containers. 

I reviewed spaceinvaders guide to sharing that connection with other containers, and all appeared to be working quite well, I linked jackett via gluetun to sonarr (bridge) and things were going well and the idea was proven.


Until I decided to switch from jackett to prowlarr, I need to run prowlarr using gluetun's connection as I did with jackett but when I do, I cannot get it to communicate to sonarr or anything else, switching sonarr over to use gluntun's connection works fine, until I change it back to the container bridge again. Basically I cannot connect to any other containers with prowlarr when it's on gluetun and they are not.


browsing several forums, I get the impression this is an "issue" with prowlarr, but I don't understand enough to fix it. Anyone been able to get prowlarr to connect with sonarr or qbittorrent without them also being on a gluetun connection? 


Which leads me into point 2. 

My router isn't powerful enough to have an openvpn connection setup on it, else I would do that for all connections and not use gluetun at all, so my question here is, how are you guys securing your containers over vpn (if different to the above) I plan to look at nginxproxymanager next to see what that offers.











Edited by klippertyk
too long, not on topic
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still beavering away at this and my previous comment jumped the gun a bit and didn't solve all my issues. I'm having real trouble getting containers to communicate with each other depending if they are setup to use gluetun or not. 


I thought I found the answer here 


which sounds ideal, but I'm on a lengthy NordVPN subscription. At this point I'm prepared to sign up with another provider just to get the VPN tunnel setup but not sure who to go with (I'm based in the UK)




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  • klippertyk changed the title to VPNs, Dockers and Bridges

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