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Media Player waking my server?


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I have a Popcorn Hour A200 that I use with my unRAID box.  I recently got my unRAID box to go to sleep when all the drives spin down.  If my server is asleep and I turn on my PCH A200, will it wake my server?  If not automatically, is it possible?



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I have a Popcorn Hour A200 that I use with my unRAID box.  I recently got my unRAID box to go to sleep when all the drives spin down.  If my server is asleep and I turn on my PCH A200, will it wake my server?  If not automatically, is it possible?


My Squeezeboxes do wake up the server automatically - a very nice feature.  However, I've never got the Popcornhours to do so.  Somewhere, I think on the PCH forum, there are instructions on how to implement a manual wake up from the PCH.

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