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Disk Died but didn't lose any files?

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Hello Everyone!


I recently set up my unraid server and threw in a few old drives of varying sizes to test it out and get plex setup. I didn't use any parity disks or anything just cause I was eventually going to buy a couple new drives once a good deal came along.


I started using the plex server for the past couple weeks and everything has been working GREAT! Until this morning when one of the drives started failing and eventually became unmountable. Luckily nothing of importance is on there yet expect for some shows and movies.


I removed the drive from the array expecting to lose some of my data however it seems like nothing got lost? Oldy enough all my files seem to be fine and still accessible and when testing if they worked by playing random movies or shows on my plex nothing seems out of place.


Before removing the drive from the array I tried to use unbalance to move everything from the bad drive to a good drive but kept getting errors and failures so I decided to take the loss and just remove it from the array. 


Is this normal or am I gonna find out at some point that some of the files are corrupted/incomplete?


*EDIT* forgot to mention that the disk that failed definitely had some data on it. I believe it was about 75% full at the time

Edited by Milzy
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