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I get it, people want to protest, but the shutting down of many subreddits including unraid, Plex, radarr/sonarr, etc has really done a disservice to those seeking help, education, and looking to get their projects going.  I’ve personally had my unraid server for two years now and still find myself looking to interact and talk with others to learn more and advance my setup. 

I personally find it a bit selfish to protest at the expense of the user base. I feel it adds a new hurdle for those simply seeking help and info. Each community shut down is a community leaving beginners without a source of experience to gain from.  People can argue there’s discord, forums, etc but the reason Reddit was so popular is because it’s an incredible aggregate that simplifies access to knowledge.  Those options of Discord and forums are still there for the mods that decided to leave at the expense of the user base. I’m not a fan of the “take my ball and leave” that’s left many, including myself, hanging.  Agree with Reddit or not, it’s their platform and you can decide to stay or go as you please. However, what’s taking place is people deciding on the behalf of others as well. 

My views are simple, and I’m sure not appreciated by all, but it’s that access to knowledge shouldn’t be limited. There are other means to handle your protests but these very small digital communities do nothing to persuade the company.  Does Reddit really miss communities like radarr and sonarr? Let’s be honest about what it is these communities do and laugh at the irony of feeling owed something.


For this reason there’s a new community called r/arrville.  Maybe it’s temporary, maybe it’s not, but it’s there for people like me that need help and appreciate the wisdom available. I’m more interested in the advancement of our projects not protesting at the expense of a knowledge seeking user base.  A base of a few thousand people where the impact for those users is very large vs a company that won’t even notice they’re gone.  Please feel free to join and bring your knowledge with you!  I would have never made it without the help of people there and I hope to help pay it forward.

If you’re feeling a protest against it is in order, just ignore it. I won’t be listening to the self-righteous talking about what’s right/wrong while at the same time downloading the latest John Wick. Tell your friends. 

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