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Trouble moving system share off cache using mover.

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I was following Spaceinvader One's video on how to reformat your cache to ZFS and I seem to hit a problem. My cache drive has my appdata share and system share. I changed each share to  Cache --> Array. I turned off Docker and VMs in settings. And then ran Mover. Appdata share seems to have moved successfully from the cache drive to the Array.  The system share seems to only partially transferred some files. There didn't seem to be any file movement for several hours.


I tried 'mover stop'  in the terminal and then restarted mover again. Nothing seems to happen. Mover is grayed out and says (Disabled - Mover is running.), but I am not seeing any file movement. Not sure what to do.

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I tried moving the system share back to the cache. It moved most everything back except one directory in system/docker/docker/overlay2/

When I calculate the remaining system share on the array, Total occupied space: 0 B in 14 folders and 2 files.


Edit: That remaining folder is on both the disk1 in the array and the cache_ssd disk. So everything seemed to got moved back. It just left that directory  reminance on disk1.

Edited by mh79
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I ended up moving my appdata and system shares back to my cache_ssd.  I was trying to figure out why the system share seemed to be taking forever to move over to the array using mover.  My thought was that my docker is setup as a directory as opposed to an img file and maybe that causes mover to be really slow.  Not sure.


My other thought was to move the system folder using Dynamix File Manager instead. Go into the Main tab on Unraid, go into cache_ssd. Check the system folder and click move.  Select target disk1, so it would move /mnt/cache_ssd/system/  to  /mnt/disk1/system/ .  Perhaps that is a bad idea, but I saw Dynamix mentioned in another thread and wondered if it would work.

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Yep. I turned both off from the Settings. Appdata moved over in about 10-20 minutes and then the system folder started moving files. I eventually stopped seeing any movement of files for a couple hours. Maybe something stayed open even after turning Docker and VM Manager off.

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17 minutes ago, elcapitano said:

I am having the same problem.

Startet moving approx 230GB from Cache to Array 8 hours ago. Still 172GB to go 😞 

Why is Mover this slow?

What exactly are you moving?     Mover is very slow when copying lots of small files due to the overheads of the checks it does before moving each file.  In such cases a manual move (using something like Dynamix File Manager) can be much faster.

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10 minutes ago, itimpi said:

What exactly are you moving?     Mover is very slow when copying lots of small files due to the overheads of the checks it does before moving each file.  In such cases a manual move (using something like Dynamix File Manager) can be much faster.

Moving appdata, system and domains libraries to upgrade cache drives

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1 hour ago, eLpresidente said:

I have the same issue here.. stopped all VMS and docker like spaceinvader told.. but it stopped with the system folder.. now it's doing nothing.. it's not slow.. it's stuck.. grayed out.. and no writes or reads.. even the disk are now in Spindown because of the default time to spinn down.. what should I do?

Did you actually disable the services under Settings rather than just stopping any running VMs or Docker containers?   This is required to get the system folder to move.

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14 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Did you actually disable the services under Settings rather than just stopping any running VMs or Docker containers?   This is required to get the system folder to move.

Yes i did it... the Problem was, that my Dockers are installed as Directory, so you habe Billions of smal Files, i just deleated /mnt/cache/docker/... <-- and moved the files.. and reinstalled the Dockers.. that fixed my Problem,.. i gues the others maybe have the Same issue... its better to habe an Docker.img <-- so its one Big File instead of Millions smaler ones.. 


i Forgot to Mention, that Alturismo helped me in the German Forum..

Edited by eLpresidente
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  • 7 months later...

ran into the same thing:) is it safe to Delete mnt/cache/docker/ ? I am reconfiguring my unraid and have uninstalled alle dockers anyway. Could not find the german threadh you are mentioning perhaps there is the answer to that question

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37 minutes ago, Midorr said:

ran into the same thing:) is it safe to Delete mnt/cache/docker/ ? I am reconfiguring my unraid and have uninstalled alle dockers anyway. Could not find the german threadh you are mentioning perhaps there is the answer to that question

I just changed it.. you can delate it.. and reinstall over community apps.. the important files are in app data and on your USB stick.. just reinstall it from community app.. config is safed.. and no need to reconfigure apps 

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