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Unraid 6.12.2 - After Update one Disk is "Not Installed"

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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After updating to the newest version of Unraid one of my drives suddenly started getting listed as "Not Installed". The drive still shows all the states associated with it except the Temp, Reads, Writes, and Errors. The file system, Size, Used, and Free are all still viewable and I can look through the directory structure. Any ideas as to why this happened?


The weirdest part is there is no historical device information for that drive and when I try to assign the installed drive it doesn't show up in the drop down of selectable drives.

Has my drive actually failed or is this related to the software update somehow?

Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.04.53 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 12.09.30 PM.png

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1 hour ago, somethingnew71 said:

The file system, Size, Used, and Free are all still viewable and I can look through the directory structure. Any ideas as to why this happened?

This will be because Unraid is ‘emulating’ the missing drive using the combination of the other data drives plus parity drive.   When you put in a replacement for the drive what is showing on the emulated drive is what will be rebuilt onto the replacement dtive.

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