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Array doesn't start after cache pool upgrade - stale configuration

Go to solution Solved by Maginos,

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Hi guys,


today I tried to upgrad my cache pool (named nmvecache) from 2x500 GB to 2x2 TB.
I went with the guide from the forum here and at the point, where the new SSDs are assigned to the pool, the problems started.


After inserting the two new SSDs, I booted up and unraid showed me, that two drives are missing. So I assigned the two new SSDs to the cache pool and started the array. This did not work and I got two "x" before the two drives in the main tab, where normally is a blue or green spot. The array didn't start and I first got the error message in the lower left corner, that the array has a stale configuration.


Then I unassigned the two new SSDs from the cache pool, deleted the cache pool and created another cache pool named "nvmecache". I deleted the two SSDs (in the unassigned device area) and added them to the new cache pool and hit "Start Array". But the array didn't start.


Then I searched for this "stale configuration" error here in the forum and found, that one person got it solved by deleting the files "super.dat" and "super.old" in the /boot/config folder. That are files, where information about the disks are stored. After deleting the two files I rebooted the server and tried to assign the two new SSDs to the new cache pool nvmecache. But again, the array doesn't start. It shows for 1 second, that it started and then immediately the page reloads and it is shown, that the array didn't start.

I add the diagnostics.

What can I do to get the new SSDs running?

Thank you very much for your help!




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Got it.

I deleted the /boot/config/super.dat file one more time and rebooted.

After assigning all the drives correctly and hitting "Start Array", my Firefox browser showed that he has to send the data once again to show this page. I hit cancel and everything was fine.

So the problem was, that I always clicked "Send again" in the Firefox browser.

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