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Upgrade from 6.9.2 to 6.12.2 No webgui

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Do you have any Docker containers running on port 80 or port 443? 


nginx is refusing to start because something is already on port 80:

Jul  5 18:15:20 PLEXBOXX nginx: 2023/07/05 18:15:20 [emerg] 1797#1797: bind() to [::1]:80 failed (99: Cannot assign requested address)

The usual cause is a port conflict with a Docker container. However, a conflict with port 80 should also affect 6.9.2 so I'm somewhat confused.


I'd suggest carefully editing config/docker.cfg on the flash drive and change this:


to this:


Then reboot. The webgui should load after this.  Then you can try starting Docker and probably one of your containers won't be able to load.


You can either change the port that container uses, or go to Settings -> Management Access and change the port that Unraid uses for HTTP and HTTPS. We recommend you pick high numbers between 1000 and 64000.

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Yes I am intentionally running for my subnet as configured on my router. Also my dockers are not set to autostart so there shouldn't be any port 80 conflict. This is my docker setup nothing is on port 80.



I will try editing the docker.cfg and setting it to DOCKER_ENABLED="no" later tonight when I get a chance to mess with it again.

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I tried again with DOCKER_ENABLED="no" and still have the same issue with bind() to [::1]:80 failed. Please advise.



netstat shows nothing on port 80




Edit: I manually upgraded to 6.10.3 without any problems. Then I tried 6.11.5 also without any problems. Working my way up!


6.9.2 --> 6.10.3 - worked
6.10.3 --> 6.11.5 - worked
6.11.5 --> 6.12.0 - FAIL


So it seems to me like there was something between 6.11.5 and 6.12 that's breaking the webui for me...

Edited by GorOps
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