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unraid-api error to wanip4.unraid.net?

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as of this morning i been having issues with the unraid-api giving me errors and half the UI is pretty much just blank for 10minutes if im doing anything to it, the dockers and everything else seems to work fine but it points it to DNS error to wanip4.unraid.net is not reachable, when i try to ping it from my main mahcine its also not reachable but using "is it down home page" it seem to be able to connect to it somehow, i run adguard home on my pi and checked the logs there and its not blocking it even tryed to turn of the protection to check and no change, 







this is how my main array page looks like for about 10 minutes just as i try to scroll around the ui and then all the drives pops back again but still with unraid-api down, doesnt work to enter the terminal to do unraid-api restart doesnt do anything and only a restart seems to fix it for a while then it just back into this state again



just to add, this issue came somehere in the night as it was working fine w/o any issue when i went to bed so somehere under the night the api went awol and its not the first time this seems to be happening where i can have it running fine for months on the end and then out of the blue i have api errors for some hours to a week even and then it just fine w/o me touching anything

Edited by Nothingtoxic
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wanip4.unraid.net doesn't respond to ping, so no errors there.


Your screenshot is cutoff, is there a "restart API" option? If so, go ahead and click that.  If you don't have that option, open a web terminal and type:

unraid-api start

wait two minutes, then:

unraid-api report

and paste the results back here

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14 minutes ago, ljm42 said:

wanip4.unraid.net doesn't respond to ping, so no errors there.


Your screenshot is cutoff, is there a "restart API" option? If so, go ahead and click that.  If you don't have that option, open a web terminal and type:

unraid-api start

wait two minutes, then:

unraid-api report

and paste the results back here

ENVIRONMENT: production
API_KEY: valid
MY_SERVERS: authenticated
        STATUS: [ok]  

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28 minutes ago, ljm42 said:

The API looks good.


If you are still seeing a message that says "disconnected from Unraid API" then it is likely you have ad blockers or extreme privacy settings getting in the way. Try a different browser or a clean browser profile.

i have no idea if nginx proxy manager have done something to my unraid setup as i have issues with that too, no after remaking all certs for it unraid seems to be working fine again out of the blue

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2 minutes ago, ljm42 said:

Unraid Connect doesn't yet support reverse proxies. To use Unraid Connect you need to access the server through one of the URLs listed on Settings -> Management Access.

yeah but i always been using tower.local to connect to my unraid gui thats in the tab so that hasnt been the issue even if i VPN home i use tower.local aswell so unraid have never been reversed proxied, i only proxied my media server etc 

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2 hours ago, ljm42 said:

So at this point is everything good? 

yes and no, seems something is up with my brave browser, it was working for an hour then it went bad again but while testing in edge it was working perfectly fine while anything i tried to do had a 5-10min delay in brave for no reason but everything else seems to be working fine as for now

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