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Having Apps/Plugin Packages for Sale? - Poll


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Those who really hate this idea please avoid ripping me a new one. But do please speak your mind, preferably without being an ass about it.


I am wondering what unRaid/Lime technology thoughts are on having plugins/apps/packages for sale? Essentially where im going with this is pay for automation.


I think it fair to say that the folks who created or thought of a method, new tool, or just streamlined certain items should have the option to sell their automations to end users to help incentivise development.


I thinking casual, helps devs to focus on a robust offerings for the fun of it and small financial rewards. Crazy? Idk i would pay for certian packages to be created, and would be nominal fee to get latest updated version of the automation to install.


vote and post





If you have something specific to offer and want to make money selling it, then why not?


If it's a simple plug-in that is basically built using other work (like SAB for example) then you won't have much luck selling it since someone else will either undercut you or give away a version.


Lots of people seem to think that any pay software is bad but that seems selfish to me. Someone has to spend their time and their money writing the code and I don't believe it is fair to just expect them to give it away for free. Hey, if they want to, then I'm quite fine with that.




To be honest I dont think automating the install of 1 item is really nice or should be supported.


But say a multi-media package that automates the install of 5 different streaming services?


Or have the whole usenet package automate installer?


I am one of the folks who would want a really cool neat feature and will play a nominal amount to get it (along some other cool things).


Key words - nominal amount. Thinking 5 bucks or less for a large package that automates the install of lots of items. Bonus points for optimizing administration.


At the end of day I really looking at this from an automation prospective (ie not selling a product but selling an automation sequence). i think thats really the only *fair* way to look at this in respect to the developers of these applications.





I have taken the "roadhead style" approach with the unMenu packages I have created.  I set up a donate link on the GreenLeaf Technology page and if a user feels the need to donate it is much appreciated, but I am not making it a requirement.


As you mentioned, it is not so much about creating a unique app so much as it is creating/refining an install process for use on an unRAID server.


I've never charged, and only two or three have asked if they could contribute some payment.


I responded by suggesting they make a tiny contribution to a charity of their choice. Fortunately, I have fun writing software.


I figure my programs and contributions have helped get unraid to where it is today.


Joe L.


I've never charged anyone, but there have been people who have posted bounties for support on creating a package and supporting it.


In addition, some people have contributed parts to the cause for some testing I was doing.


I fully support the offer/bid approach.


It's not so much payment for the automation or packaging, there could be allot of time and support that is needed after and for that it should be worth someone's time.


Whenever I do some sort of barter.  Time/Skill for consideration somewhere else. In the end it should be win/win for both parties.



For me personally I not a big fan of paying for *new* things when working in the linux world.


I do like to pay for massive automation because it justifies time/cost.


To that point speeding_ant - your webgui looks fabulous. But I would never pay for it as its just making pretty and adding some basic functionality. I would pay for a automation that installed it along with some other "management style" upgrades. Not sure if that makes sense.





IF there's value for me and my server, I'll pay.


I like my data, and if a dev/coder sweats over code and offers me ways to help me enjoy it .. I think they should be rewarded.


+1 for speeding_ant he's got my vote on the slick UI.




As someone new to unRAID & Linux, but not new to IT, I'd be in two minds about paying for a package.


If the package did more than just automate an installation I'm pretty sure I would pay.  i.e. if it p[rovided a WebGUI for install asking the right questions and/or explaining what the choices were.  If it made sure anything installed was easily configurable later via a custom WebGUI (if there isn't one already with the package) etc, then that value add would be worth paying a couple of bucks for.


A couple of examples for me.  Packaging NZB stuff (sabnzbd, sickbeard and coachpotato), I think if the installer just single clicked installed everything preconfigured, I'm not sure I would pay for it.  But if the package asked me questions like what port it should run on, where do I want the various directories, advantages of putting the directories on  the protected array or on the cache drive, etc etc then I'd probably pay AS LONG as there was a history that the packager does keep up with the latest versions.


I was looking at Amahi before unRaid where paid for packages are part of the ecosystem.  I casn't tell you how off putting it was to fins a sabnzbd paid for package sitting there with a .5 version of the app.  If I am going to pay for something, I expect to pay for the latest version and also expect it to be supported in the future.


For something a bit more difficult (for me), like installing and configuring dnsmasq, I would probably look at purchasing a package before even attempting to do it myself if the cost was no more than a couple of bucks.  Because I'm not confident of my knowledge in this area, paying for the package would hopefully mean I am paying for the expertise of getting it running in unRAid as well.


The risk to a paid package ecosystem is ensuring quality.  You jet need one crap package to ruin it for all the other apps.  Whether it's fair or not, if I pay for a package, I'm expecting more from it than I would a free package, and that includes the support that goes with it. 


Most plugins here are designed around installing Open Source software. On a moral ground, you just wouldn't attempt to sell such plugins. I also believe we don't want disparity between "free" and "paid" plugins. The community here is solid enough to support itself.


I'd never sell my webGui, due to the fact that I only spent a few days developing it, and I did it for the love of the product more than anything else. The download stats for my webGui are insignificant enough to think "why bother". I'm sure there are others who have similar views.


I'd happily take donations though! I do like my coffee..


I would disagree speedy ant. I do find it sleazy to take a open source piece of software and then just sell it with a plugin strapped on. Thats kinda like writing a plugin for Joomla and then taking Joomla+your plugin and selling as a piece of you own.


Now being said I think for this model work it would need to very clearly establish that the person is "Buying Convenience and Automation" - not a piece of software. In fact i would go even as far to the say the standard plugin/automation model should adhere to downloading the pieces of software separately and not make even make not even to make out to be that its making something new (or in the case of stuff like unMenu it could very well be exactly that).


While its fun to sometimes whip up a script or plugin and throw it down, i believe there needs to be a distinct advantage to a developer of that script/plugin to wanna come back and whip an updates and some improvements.Cant keep it running off just passion - hard to bottle that and sell it :)





Time is energy expended and that is worth something for exchange (unless you feel it's a gift).

The other point that needs to be considered is,  on going support.

That could take up some time in trying to keep it in sync with the current OS environment on a continual basis.

To be frank, I doubt I would spend money on a plugin. But I might spend it as a motivation assistant for a project/plugin/app that I need


I'd glady paid for a download which included: SAB, Sickbeard, Couchpotato, and Headphones over at the Netgear/Readynas forums.

I believe it was like five bucks for everything and easy to install.  Unfortunately there Transmission plugin is just as shotty as the one here.

If someone can put together an all in one package that is pretty much hassle free (as little command line as possible) to make the Uraid server

a streaming downloading beast, it is worth the money.



Has anyone considered the ramifications of paying an individual to write a plugin on the back of a free unRAID install?  If this idea ever gained traction, I would expect some of the royalties to go to Lime-Tech.  But personally, I find the idea to be in conflict with the spirit of this community.  Without knowing the community demographics, what would one determine to be a fair price for such an add-on?  Imagine if Joe had charged for unMenu, and what the reprocussions of that would be for users who didn't immediately recognize the huge improvement it made in unRAID's user-friendliness, and skipped it because it would cost them money, on a platform they were testing for free.  I guess I see no issue with letting the community decide if they want to pay for something non-standard, like a MineCraft plugin, that has nothing to do with storage or unRAID's competencies.  But should I need to pay for something others are willing to do for free, to help the community use unRAID?  unRAID isn't a Goliath in the storage industry, and adding pay-for-use apps is not something the other vendors have done.  A lot of us are capable of writing plugins and things, but there are some here who excel at it, write more efficient code, and do so in a much quicker fashion.  Many of us contribute for the sake of contribution.  As Joe said, some of us enjoy the challenge and reward of writing useful things that others find equally useful, without the need to make a quick $100.  If you want to write something and attempt to charge for it, give it a try, assuming you've already come to an agreement with Lime-Tech to do so.  But frankly, I just don't think it fits with the selfless contributions of this community over the years.  Just my opinion.


Has anyone considered the ramifications of paying and individual to write a plugin on the back of a free unRAID install?  If this idea ever gained traction, I would expect some of the royalties to go to Lime-Tech.  But personally, I find the idea to be in conflict with the spirit of this community.  Without knowing the community demographics, what would one determine to be a fair price for such an add-on?  Imagine if Joe had charged for unMenu, and what the reprocussions of that would be for users who didn't immediately recognize the huge improvement it made in unRAID's user-friendliness, and skipped it because it would cost them money, on a platform they were testing for free.  I guess I see no issue with letting the community decide if they want to pay for something non-standard, like a MineCraft plugin, that has nothing to do with storage or unRAID's competencies.  But should I need to pay for something others are willing to do for free, to help the community use unRAID?  unRAID isn't a Goliath in the storage industry, and adding pay-for-use apps is not something the other vendors have done.  A lot of us are capable of writing plugins and things, but there are some here who excel at it, write more efficient code, and do so in a much quicker fashion.  Many of us contribute for the sake of contribution.  As Joe said, some of us enjoy the challenge and reward of writing useful things that others find equally useful, without the need to make a quick $100.  If you want to write something and attempt to charge for it, give it a try, assuming you've already come to an agreement with Lime-Tech to do so.  But frankly, I just don't think it fits with the selfless contributions of this community over the years.  Just my opinion.




what he said  :-*


I would support and do support donations.  I would be turned off by paying to start with.  I have donated to all the major projects that are important to me to run on my server.  But if someome made something new that was really useful and they provided great support I would have no problem paying a bit something. 


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