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Mover not moving files

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I'm trying to move everything form my SSDs to my array so I can replace the drives. I've put everything to Cache: Yes.  I've stopped docker. I've restarted the server. I invoke mover and it sits at zero. I'm at a loss as to why. All I really care about is getting the appdata onto the array so I can swap the drives.  I've also ran new permissions but no changes. Everything sits in zeroes. Thoughts?


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Its my experience that the mover is good for a few files but not whole shares.


If its not that much data, I would open a terminal window and use the `mc` command to open midnight commander, then you can use that interface to move the files. 

Alternatively if you have a lot of files, you can install rsync with the Nerd Tools plugin and then run a command like `rsync -a /mnt/cache/share/ /mnt/disk1/share/` to copy everything over. Then you can use `find . -type d -empty -delete` to remove the remaining directories. 

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