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Where did /mnt/user0 come from?

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Hi All,


This is probably a very simply question to answer, but I've not found it through searching the wiki or the forums.


I've recently upgraded from 5.0b7 to 5.0b11 (and I'll probably move to b12 later).


Since doing this, I've found a /mnt/user0 mount point has sprung up, which seems to behave exactly like /mnt/user.



drwxrwx---  1 nobody users 480 2011-08-29 09:25 user/

drwxrwx---  1 nobody users 128 2011-08-29 09:25 user0/


Can anybody tell me why this new mount point has been created? Is it required? Can I get rid of it?


I've not changed anything in my configuration between releases, so I'm a but puzzled.






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Can anybody tell me why this new mount point has been created? Is it required? Can I get rid of it?


It is created by unRAID - as BRiT says, it gives a view of your system excluding the cache drive (if you have one).


It is required - you should not get rid of it.



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