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XMRIG service starts itself in Safemode (malware)

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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I'm having an issue where even in safemode a process called XMRIG is starting itself from root.


I have included the diagnostics and a list of services running, these were collected from a fresh safemode reboot before I killed the XMRIG process.

Unfortunately, I 'think' the process is set to restart itself.

Any and all help salvaging this system would be appreciated, thank you.

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  • Solution

It is being started by an amended config/go file on the flash drive:


yours reads

# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &
/bin/bash /boot/config/wireguard/go

while the standard default one issued with Unraid only contains

# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &

if there are any files in the ‘extras’ folder on the flash drive they should also be removed.


More concerning is how a bad actor gained access to your server in the first place to make these changes.   Do you have your server exposed to the internet?


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