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Help with docker not in Community Apps and Volume Mapping

Go to solution Solved by scottw,

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Hello. I am a bit over my head here and could use some help.

I created a SQL Server 2019 docker by following these instructions:


Everything has been working great for a couple of years now. I am now learning more and realized I increased my docker image to a size too big (and wasteful) due to my lack of knowledge. I would now like to size that docker image down and know how to do it the preferred way. Since this docker container was not created through Community Apps, I would have to do it from scratch....not a problem. I would however like to save the DB inside of that container. I can connect to that DB with SQL Server Management Studio but have no idea how to backup the DB OUTSIDE of the docker container...LOL

I realize this should be simple but I am just not up to speed with all of that yet...but am learning. I understand how the Volume Mapping works but it appears my docker container does not have any mapped. Is this something I could do manually to accomplish what I want to accomplish or is there and easier way. Like I said, I just need to be able to backup my Sql DB somewhere safe so I can restore it after I recreate the Docker.img file.

Here is the container, if that helps:






Edited by scottw
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