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Is there a way to access my old flash backups? (Not unraid connect)

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I'm about to be really, really pissed off if I can't. I changed the USB drive on my Unraid server last week, with what I suspect may be a bad drive. I can't recover the data from it, and the old USB is at my parents house. This was all fine, as I set up the Unraid flash backup a while ago, but I can no longer find a way to access it. Everything just routes to the Connect dashboard.


Is there a way to access my old flash backups? I'm praying there is.

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Nothing was taken away when Connect was added.


You can still do manual flash backups on Main -> Boot -> Flash -> Flash Backup. Anything you did there would likely be in the Downloads folder on your computer.


Other than that I don't know what you mean by "I set up the Unraid flash backup a while ago" if you don't mean My Servers / Unraid Connect.

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