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I need a suggestion for array configuration

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Hi to all,


I am first time using UNRAID as I decided to create some kind of home lab. 

Watched some videos and read forums but still not sure I can create the best array from existing HDDs so I need your help.


Disks I already own:

1x 18TB HDD

1x 8TB HDD
3x 3TB HDD

1x 480GB SSD

2x 500GB NVME


My plan is to use UNRAID mostly for Plex and NextCloud, but also for other Docker container services as Pi-Hole and who knows what else :)


That is why I need somebody to suggest me how to configure array(s), cache, where to store files, where configuration, etc....


P.S. I have 32GB of RAM if it is important.


Thanks :)

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I guess the first question is to work out if you have a good backup strategy in place so that you are prepared to run without a parity drive.   Just asking as it seems a waste to use the 18TB drive for parity (parity always has to be the largest drive(s))if you do not need it (could even be used as a backup drive of all the smaller HDD).


The SSD’s should be used in pools external to the main array for performance reasons.    

Are you thinking of running VMs or only Docker containers?

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39 minutes ago, itimpi said:

I guess the first question is to work out if you have a good backup strategy in place so that you are prepared to run without a parity drive.   Just asking as it seems a waste to use the 18TB drive for parity (parity always has to be the largest drive(s))if you do not need it (could even be used as a backup drive of all the smaller HDD).

I think you are right about wasting 18TB and using that disk for backup would probably be a good idea. But is there any preferred way to do that backup or I should do it by my own? 

39 minutes ago, itimpi said:


The SSD’s should be used in pools external to the main array for performance reasons.    

I am not sure that I understood what you mean by "external". Do you mean as cache pool?

39 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Are you thinking of running VMs or only Docker containers?

No, I don't need VMs, just Docker containers. 

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31 minutes ago, branislav91 said:

I am not sure that I understood what you mean by "external". Do you mean as cache pool?

A pool is a set of one or more disks that are external to the main Unraid array.  A pool typically gets better performance than the main Unraid array.   A pool can serve various functions - caching is one of them, and another is providing the working storage for docker containers as they then get better performance.  Another possibility is hosting VM vdisks but you said that was not relevant to you.     If a pool is single drive then it is not redundant - this is probably fine for a pool that is being used for caching as the data does not stay there for long.    If a pool is hosting docker containers data then you may want a multi-drive pool set up to be redundant.

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18 hours ago, itimpi said:

A pool is a set of one or more disks that are external to the main Unraid array.  A pool typically gets better performance than the main Unraid array.   A pool can serve various functions - caching is one of them, and another is providing the working storage for docker containers as they then get better performance.  Another possibility is hosting VM vdisks but you said that was not relevant to you.     If a pool is single drive then it is not redundant - this is probably fine for a pool that is being used for caching as the data does not stay there for long.    If a pool is hosting docker containers data then you may want a multi-drive pool set up to be redundant.


I created something, can you please check is it what you meant?

For example, did I choose right disks for right and did I choose right file systems.


Thanks a lot :)



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