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Unraid Connect broke UNRAID web UI

Go to solution Solved by zspearmint,

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Today I updated the plugin to version 2023.09.06.1307


The menu on the top right completely disappeared (no UNRAID logo, nothing at all), I had to navigate to /Connect manually.

Each page was painfully slow.

I saw errors in console by the thousands: about 20k errors every 5 seconds. I couldn't even close the inspector because it froze.

The /Connect page showed the server as connected, and going to https://connect.myunraid.net/ I could see my server with all its info. So this seems like a frontend issue only.

However the /Connect page also showed "status: Stale server" or something like that in red. Not sure if this helps.


I was finally able to uninstall the plugin despite the super slow screens.

I hope this is already being fixed and I will reinstall as soon as it is!

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Sorry for the issue. Thanks for reporting.


We just released another update for Connect, v2023.09.07.1147, that remedies a conflict with some popular plugins.


So try installing again and see if it remedies your issue.


If the issue persists with the new version then browser logs could be helpful for us to figure out what's going on.

To provide those:

  1. open the browser's developer console
    1. right click on page
    2. choose inspect
    3. choose the "console" tab in the panel that is opened
  2. right clicking on any errors
  3. choose the option to save the logs to a file
  4. upload that log file here

Then could you also upload your Diagnostics file.

Found at Tools > Diagnostics.



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Hi! Thanks for the quick reply @zspearmint


I tried reinstalling but the issue persists unfortunately. I don't have a huge amount of plugins, but you can see for yourself in the attached Diagnostics.



These are the console errors I see.

Please let me know if there's private information I should have hidden, the server url is partial so it should be fine.


Thanks a lot!


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