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Just bought a license, it didn't work, can no longer purchase for GUID

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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I just bought a license for a server that was using the trial. It's due to expire soon so I'm posting this rather urgently because I'm guessing I won't here back from support till the weekend is over.


After purchasing a license, I got stuck on the page "Please keep this window open while we perform some actions".


I looked in the networks tab and noticed a bunch of `/graphql` calls with CORS errors. Looking through the settings, I noticed that the local urls supported was not the url I was using to access the server. I also realised that the only tab that was trying to install this license was the one I bought the license on.


So, I opened a new tab, stopped the array, updated my server name/local tld to the one I use to access it, and refreshed the original page.


However now, it says I'm on a trial again. If I click purchase, it says this GUID may already have a key(???).


I got an email with a license, which I tried to install, it says it's installed but it still says I'm on trial.


I went back through my history and navigated back to the url that I was redirected to when I bought the license. That brings up a "Plus key installed successfully" modal. But it still says I'm on trial on the top right.


I'm not sure how to proceed since a key is clearly associated with the USB, the USB seems to have some license installed on it, but the OS still says I'm on trial.


Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I'd ideally not like to have to buy a new usb if possible.

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24 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Have you rebooted since trying to install the purchased licence key?


D'oh! In a futile attempt to not have downtime, I didn't even consider a restart may fix it. Should have known.


Thanks for responding so quickly @itimpi and answering a possibly silly question.

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