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New problem: Bringing array online kills access?

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I replaced a drive and go to bring the array online after putting the new one in the old drives slot.  When I go to bring the array online I lose all access to the array. It happened on 6.12.4 so I downgraded to 6.11.5 because I'd never had it happen before and it's happening here as well.  Thoughts?  I can still access the server through my piKVM and it allows me to log into unraid there using my credentials but it's not a GUI so I don't know my way around. 

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18 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Try booting in safe mode to rule out a plugin, or if you have the tailscale plugin try uninstalling it, since it's being doing that to some users lately.

How do I rule out plugins? Are you saying just to see if it will boot at all? I do have tailscale is this a recent development with it? I've had it for a year or so and not faced this issue.

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