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UI Freezing & Lag

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Hello, I have recently been noticing lag on the unraid UI and containers like Plex freezing and needing to be restarted. CPU usage was getting as high as 90+ and wasnt even transcoding, disabled folder cache plugin which seemed to help with the CPU usage but UI is still freezing or lagging to the point where I get 500 Internal Server Error - nginx error. and when plex is inaccessible the log shows Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB.


Edited by fespinoza831
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Im booted into safe mode now but it took me a few tries at one point it didnt detect the USB boot drive. now that Im in safe mode the UI goes unresponsive when resizing the window to full screen or vice versa. i want to say that plex has been fine since optimizing the database but the unraid UI is still slow

Edited by fespinoza831
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After a few hours of use in Safe mode. Everything seems to be running fine. Im assuming this means that some of the plugins may be causing an issue. I believe I have a lot of them install some which I probably dont use any more. Any suggestion on some that I should remove or keep? Also worried about the flash drive going bad since it wasnt being detected at boot.

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