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How to Stop the Mover Script While In-Process?

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As I've been copying terabytes of data over to my new unRAID server there have been a couple of times where I would have liked to terminate the mover script so I could cleanly shutdown the system and add another precleared hard drive (from another system where I'm preclearing drives).  I have been searching for an answer in the forums but with no luck, so can anyone tell me if there's a nice clean way of killing the mover script and its rsync processes?  I tried just killing them from within top but that didn't seem to do the trick.  (FYI - Linux is new to me as far as working at this level of putting together a system.)  Thanks, Kevin

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  • 1 year later...

Want to bring this question up.


If i do a ps, i see no mover process that i can kill.


My system decided today to do moving at 500 KByte/sec, so this takes days.

I had issues enough with the discs it moves to, to reboot the server. Pressing the stop array did not work.


Any oppinions ?


edit: returning after dinner and no webgui, no telnet, but console still works

samba was stopped finally no more mounted discs.


did umount for every disk, (umount /dev/md1 .. were not mounted anymore)

did /root/mdcmd stop


shutdown -h now does not get the server dwon:


stopping system message bus

unmounting remote filesystems

/etc/rc.d/rc.apid: line 15: kill: (1385)

INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel


and than a flashing cursor, and no more action.


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  • 3 months later...

I would like to re-activate that thread.


I accidently hit the "Move now" button on the "Settings > Share" Web-GUI page. Move is moving TBs of wrong data. How can I stop the mover without trashing everything?


Beside this thread I didn't find anything in the Forum or Wiki.


Any help is highly appreciated.





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Just curious..how is Mover moving TBs of wrong data? It should ideally be moving whatever you copied to some share via cache disk right?


Even if you accidentally copied some stuff which you dont want moved to the array, I dont think it should "trash" your array.


Lastly, (I think) if you engage midnight commander and quickly delete whatever data you don't want copied while it is still on the cache drive, it should prevent that data from being transferred over to the array.



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Thanks for pointing out how stupid I am. I simply forgot the dot (.) in front of a huge directory - something a man like you will never experience ;-)


So, do you have an answer for the question that was asked in this thread?




The command used by "mover" to actually move the files is the "rsync" command.



killall rsync

should kill it.




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killall rsync


Ah, thanks. I will issue a feature request. The button labeled "Move now" could offer "Pause" or "Stop now" if the mover is running.




I like the idea, but suggest "Stop Mover" to reduce confusion as to the button's purpose when it is displayed.
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  • 3 years later...

killall rsync


Ah, thanks. I will issue a feature request. The button labeled "Move now" could offer "Pause" or "Stop now" if the mover is running.




I like the idea, but suggest "Stop Mover" to reduce confusion as to the button's purpose when it is displayed.


I'm just going to revive this one real quick. Yes, a button on the main page to pause/stop the mover would be ideal.


Edit: killall rsync seems to have done nothing. Mover is still hammering away.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 6 years later...
12 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

This thread is for Unraid V5 and older, this command is probably not accurate.


Fair, I missed the section this was in. I just got here from trying to google how to stop mover as it was one of the top results and the kill commands worked but poorly for newer versions. If still using unraid older than V5 then ignore my comment.

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