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Disk disabled, not emulated or showing up.

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Hello everyone, 


Pretty sure my disk is either dead, or hoping (sort of) it's a cable issue. Noticed this morning my Disk 3 was showing as disabled. Tried following the steps here: https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/storage-management/#rebuilding-a-drive-onto-itself but upon restarting the array, it says "not installed" for Disk 3. Before starting the array it showed "no device". I've attached my diagnostics. If the disk isn't showing at all would that be a power issue? If it is I'm not sure how I could fix that as its part of the case that all 8 drives plug in to for power... This is also a data disk so if it is a dead drive I'm hoping its an easy fix of just popping in a new drive and the array rebuilds itself...


Any help is appreciated, thanks.


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1 minute ago, JorgeB said:

See if the disk is detected i the BIOS and/or try swapping both cables with another disk, if it's still missing after that it's likely dead.


Appreciate the response. I'll check BIOS now. I'm wondering if the drive board in the case is going bad. Should have mentioned this but Disk 2 has been showing a UDMA CRC Error Count warning for a few days. The drive that failed had no warning at all. Wondering if I should replace the whole thing. I saw the UDMA error is usually a cable issue, but since its a single board for all 8 disks, there's just two power cables plugging into it and a sata cable for each drive.

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Update: Checked in BIOS. I forgot the BIOS on this motherboard are weird (MSI) and when it boots it only registers 4 drives. If I go to SATA configuration within the BIOS it only shows 4, but if I go to to Boot Menu, I can see all 8 drives + my NVMe cache drive, so I have no idea.

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Posted (edited)

Update again: Rebooted and the drive is back... When adding it back to Disk 3 it says "All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started". Is that right? It'll just rebuild itself from the parity drives right? Should I start in Maintenance mode to be safe? Thanks.


Edit: Disk 3 is now showing the same UDMA error as Disk 2 so I'm thinking its the board in the case that's the issue.

Edited by SquareGravy
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20 minutes ago, SquareGravy said:

"All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started". Is that right? It'll just rebuild itself from the parity drives right?

Don't rebuild on top before checking that the emulate disk is mounting and contents look correct, if you didn't yet check, unassign the disk and start the array.


22 minutes ago, SquareGravy said:

Disk 3 is now showing the same UDMA error as Disk 2 so I'm thinking its the board in the case that's the issue.

Most likely a bad SATA cable.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Don't rebuild on top before checking that the emulate disk is mounting and contents look correct, if you didn't yet check, unassign the disk and start the array.


Most likely a bad SATA cable.


I don't know where to see if it's being emulated or not. I unassigned and started the array and now its showing under "unassigned" as Dev 1.


If I go into Krusader I can see the folders for all my disks under my "Media" and I can browse into Disk 3 and everything is there, is that what it means by "emulated"?

Edited by SquareGravy
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