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Push to unRaid from sabnzbd on different machine


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Hey guys,

I use unRaid for my media server but my box is too big and loud so I don't keep it on all the time.  Because of this, I have a separate machine that I use for my sabnzbd/sickbeard/couchpotato setup.  What I'd like to do is, after sabnzbd/sickbeard/couchpotato have finished downloading a file, a post-processing script moves the file over to unRaid and then updates my XBMC box to do a library update...this way I can finally be 100% girlfriend compliant :)


From a scripting perspective, what is the most reliable way to copy over to unRaid?  I use nautilus/samba when I do it manually and I get a samba timeout frequently so I usually have to re-do it a couple of times--would love to be able to avoid that in the script.  Any suggestions?


Are there any existing scripts like this, am I reinventing the wheel?




Put your sickbeard/couchpotato media locations onto unRAID shares and mount them.  The mover scripts in those two apps do what you are wanting and work well.  The complete/incomplete drives would stay local to your sabnzbd server for speed purposes.  Since all 3 apps are local to the same server it is pretty easy to set up.



unraid server shares




linux dl machine drives/mounts

/                              = HDD #1

/mount/incomplete    = HDD #2 for sabnzbd incomplete

/mount/complete      = HDD #3 for sabnzbd complete

/mount/movies        = smb mount to \\tower\movies

/mount/tv                = smb mount to \\tower\tv


sickbeard post-processing script will move from /mount/complete to /mount/tv and couchpotato's mover script will move from /mount/complete to /mount/movies



Excellent idea, brian89gp!  I'll have to add some stuff to wake up the unRaid machine and do the mount, though.  I'll take a look if there's a hook to do that in sickbeard/couchpotato.


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