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Not strictly UnRaid but if anyone can help it's you

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So....the weirdest thing is happening.


I hate gigabit fibre (Sky Fibre Ireland) to the home and download speeds are up there at 800 Mb/s and uploads has always been around 70-90 Mb/s which is great.

Suddenly, overnight, the upload speeds have dropped to 10 and downloads have remained the same, however, using the SpeedTest tracker on my UnRaid Server, the speeds are consistently 75Mb/s but nothing else in the house is whether it's wired or wireless.  The ISP says, well the connection to the house is obviously fine if one device is working.

I've tried different cables, used the UnRaid cat5e cable on the Mac, moved all the ethernet ports around, turned off wi-fi, hard reset the router and nothing makes any difference.

Does anyone have any idea what could be going on and how to fix it?

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