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Shrinking a qcow2 image

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  • 3 months later...

I did the exact same thing. 

I immediately discovered the error before starting the VM and attempted to resize it from 15T to 1500G
The unraid UI will not allow me resize it smaller even though I have not restarted the Windows VM.  The size remains at 15T

My entire unraid server is only 12T.

The VM is important. I can't wipe it and start all over. 

Looking for suggestions on how to reduce the vdisk from 15T --> 1500G or revert back to the original size of 1000G

Edited by JackSafari
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Since you haven't expanded the partitions yet you should be able to do a 

qemu-img resize vdisk.qcow2 --shrink 1500G

Back up the vdisk first.


Or just restore a vdisk backup from before the change.

Edited by Kilrah
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Thanks. This solved it. 👍


qemu-img resize vdisk.qcow2 --shrink 1500G


The unraid UI reports 1500G as being 1TB. I checked using qemu-img info and it reports the correct size of 1500G, and Windows 10 recognizes it at 1500G

Edited by JackSafari
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