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Community Apps errors then fails to load afterwards

Go to solution Solved by bmartino1,

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recently started to have an issue with Community Apps, first time accessing it after a fresh boot, it loads fine, then when trying to do anything inside, it gives an error " Browser failed to communicate with Unraid Server For unknown reasons, your browser was unable to communicate with Community Applications running on your server. ATTEMPT TO FIX VIA RELOAD PAGE"


After this the community apps does not load at all, irrespective of what browser is used.


All other aspects of the server response very quickly, except the docker tab that does have quite a few listings , current dns is set to opendns, have tried a few different ones, havent seen any change in behaviour.


I can update / download any packages without issue. I have downgraded, tested and updated unraid version , removed/readded community apps.


Any thoughts on what it could be ?


Diagnostics attached


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you may need to update the plugin manual. also confirm your DNS setting by setting them to public dns server.


then try to see if the plugin is working?
got to this URL in your unraid:

otherwise manual installation:

per support forum the plugin link to install is: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/plugins/community.applications.plg

go too:


paste the link and click install to update the plugin.




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DNS -  changed them to same as above  - no difference

Plugin settings is accessible via link and  seems functional 

Removed and readded the plugin again no difference


Issue is resolved when i turn off docker

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  • Solution
28 minutes ago, Mrcirl said:

DNS -  changed them to same as above  - no difference

Plugin settings is accessible via link and  seems functional 

Removed and readded the plugin again no difference


Issue is resolved when i turn off docker

ok then what are you docker settings?

what dockers are you running. are any in host mode?
if in host that docker will replace all of unraids ports including port 53 needed for dns.

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That looks to have been it, there was a Turned off copy of Splunk configured in Bridge mode that had all ports allocated to it. When i deleted that all came good.


Thanks for the help, was driving me mad, wasnt looking at containers that were not running!

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  • 3 months later...

today this problem start to appear to me when i click on the apps TAB `For unknown reasons, your browser was unable to communicate with Community Applications running on your server`


Turning off docker or changing DNS has no effect

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I'm experiencing exactly this problem. It's only the Apps tab that reports "Browser failed to communicate with Unraid server". This evidently isn't the case, as other tabs are in communication with the server.*


The subheading below this reports, more accurately (but unhelpfully): "For unknown reasons, your browser was unable to communicate with Community Applications running on your server."


For now, I'm going to assume this is a Community Applications problem and hold off messing about at this end, hoping a fix comes through.


(*Oh, wait. "Unraid server" here probably means Lime Technology's server, not my NAS. So the statement may be accurate.)


Unraid 6.12.10




Edited by bidmead
Addition of OS version. Comment on the ambiguity of "Unraid server".
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27 minutes ago, bidmead said:

I'm experiencing exactly this problem. It's only the Apps tab that reports "Browser failed to communicate with Unraid server". This evidently isn't the case, as other tabs are in communication with the server.*


The subheading below this reports, more accurately (but unhelpfully): "For unknown reasons, your browser was unable to communicate with Community Applications running on your server."


For now, I'm going to assume this is a Community Applications problem and hold off messing about at this end, hoping a fix comes through.


(*Oh, wait. "Unraid server" here probably means Lime Technology's server, not my NAS. So the statement may be accurate.)


Unraid 6.12.10




 is look like came back to normal, at least for me, i think was a problem with CA communication 

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