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Help with Docker, Umask, and qBittorrent

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I'm having what I think is a fairly common problem but after reading numerous posts and Reddit articles I'm not making any progress. 


From what I can see a folder on UNRAID is given the permissions drwxrwxrwx while files are given -rw-rw-rw-. In particular if I have run the New Permissions app. 


I'm running the linuxserver/qbittorrent container with effectively standard settings. From what I can see the umask is set to 022 and so folders are being created with drwxr-xr-x and files are -rw-r--r--. 


So, what I understand is the existing folders are 777 and the umask setting is creating the new folders with 755 (777 - 22).  


Can anyone explain to me why 755 is prefered over 777? I understand 755 prevents write and is in theory more secure etc, but if 777 is good enough for existing files why are new files being created with 755?


If I want to create new files with the same permissions as my existing files, do I just remove the umask value?





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