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All drives (including internal drives and usb flash drive with Unraid itself) disappeared

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I had some issues with Sabznd write problems all of a sudden so I decided to stop the array and reboot. Now, all the disk are gone (including the internal NVME and the USB flash drive with Unraid itself), but I can access the web UI without issues (I just can't really do anything).


I also tried tools -> new config, but no luck.


Unfortunately I'm on holidays, so I can't physically access the devices (and I can't watch any of my shows due to this either).


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I also tried lsblk, which lists all drives. Is there any way to add drives and start the array from the cli)? Also, is there a way to provide the logs via CLI? The GUI mode just seems to go on forever and I guess times out eventually.

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18 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

You will need to get the WebGUI working to re-assign the devices, usually a different browser fixes that GUI issue, if it didn't in this case I'm afraid I don't have more ideas.

The third browser (Brave) I tried showed the drives after refreshing like 3x. I was able to reassign and I'm back online. No idea what caused this though still...

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