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How to see array activity

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Most of the array is not in use so the drives can spin down. I moved docker to the SSD so the HDDs should be able to spin down. The thing is, parity and disk 1 (the two 12tb drives) are constantly up. Is it possible to see what's accessing them to see if they can be off-loaded? I was thinking this may help save a bit of power but, so far, it seems to be a lot of work for nothing. I appreciate the help.

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You seem to have the share used “Docker and VM” set to be on the main array.     This means as long as you have the docker or VM services started then it will keep disks associated with these (and the parity drive) spinning as they keep files open all the time they are running.


You also seem to have 300GB allocated to the docker.img file - any reason you made it this large?   The default of 20GB is enough for most users, and even those with many docker containers rarely need more than 30-40GB


Just for interest, why did you change away from the standard default shares used to support Docker and VMs (system, appdata, isos, domains)?   Not that this is wrong but it does mean you have non-standard settings which can make it a little harder to work out what might be going on.

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The Docker and VM was set up, originally, on disk 7 and, yeah, the parity and disk 7 always spun. I moved everything over to an SSD and allocated 300gb to it because I'm planning on installing the ollama UI along with a few models and wanted to make sure I had enough space.


Now that disk 7 is not associated with docker, I'm still finding the parity and disk 1 are almost always spinning for some reason. Disk 1 is where the bulk of media is stored so maybe plex is keeping it spinning, I'm not sure.


Why did I change away from standard defaults? I'm not sure. I may have set it up not understanding what I was doing or maybe there was a reason for it. I'd set it up from scratch but I have a storj instance running and I seem to remember it was a pain to get working. I'd also like to figure out why my plex server had to be set up from scratch causing my watch history to be lost.



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