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Unraid GUI and some dockers crashed

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My unraid gui and at least one of my dockers crashed (Plex as was still running fine though).  I was able to login to the console through keyboard/monitor but the "diagnostics" command was not found and even find was getting errors.  I've since rebooted (yes, know I lost logs this way) and grabbed a diag.  I wonder if there is anything inherently bad about my setup that might have caused this?  It has happened before, but I've just rebooted without doing additional checks those times.  Is there something else I could have done to get better logs?  I searched the forums but didnt find much outside of "diagnostics".  Even powerdown and shutdown didnt work, had to use "reboot" instead.  Attached an image of the strange results from /mnt/user0 but /mnt/user seemed ok at the top level.



Edited by rkotara
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After digging into the system a bit, the only odd item I can find is that there is a CRC error logged to one of my SSDs in the cache pool.  Although its probably some issue, I'm guessing it didn't cause the issues I saw since core system functionality should not be impacted by the cache pool.

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