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Upgrading Cache Drive - Home Assistant VM won't move to Array

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I'm following the FAQ for Replacing a Single Cache Drive (v6.12+) and am having difficulty moving my Home Assistant VM to the Array.  I'm currently running v6.12.3.


I went into the VM Manager and stopped/disabled the VMs.  I set the shares to the following:


  • Primary Storage: Cache
  • Secondary Storage: Array
  • Mover action: Cache->Array


When I run the mover, it finishes in a few seconds, but the Home Assistant VM data is still found on the cache.  Fortunately, my Home Assistant still works fine (after I re-enable the VM). 


I tried these same steps with my AppData and those files moved over successfully.  Since I can't move the Home Assistant VM, I'm not able to upgrade my cache (250GB->2TB).


Any advice would be appreciated.  I've attached my diagnostics if that helps.


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You should turn on mover logging; try again; and then post new diagnostics so we can see what is happening.  Probably a good idea to have the VM and Docker services disabled under Settings in case they are holding files open and thus stopping them being moved.


As an aside I see you have the 'appdata',  'system', and 'domains' shares set to be moved to the array by mover and at the moment they are split between array and cache.   Normally if possible you want these kept on the 'cache' pool to maximise performance.  The 'system' share in particular is quite small so no reason not to keep it on the pool.

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9 hours ago, Veah said:

Primary storage should be Array if that's where you want it

You're right. I forgot that I tried this both ways and it wouldn't move off the cache into the array (so I set it back to cache as the primary).  But I did try several times with Array as the primary and it wouldn't move the contents.

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