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Migrated all data onto new larger drive and now that has failed and not mountable

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I moved all my data from several 2 & 3tb drives onto a couple of 12tb drives.  The move went OK and parity drive was updated.  However the 12tb data drives has failed and when the array starts it states it is umnountable.  I have tried UD and that also states it is unmountable.


The parity drive is showing as invalid.


I have ordered another 12tb drive as I thought a drive swop would be straightforward but I am concerned that the parity drive is showing as invalid.  is there anyway to look at the parity drive to see if the data can be rebuilt with a new data drive?


is there anyway to get to the data on the faulty 12tb as I would hate to loose all this data?


Edited by mauriceatkinson@btconnect.
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5 hours ago, mauriceatkinson@btconnect. said:

the exended smart test shows "completed read failure"

That confirm the disk failed.


5 hours ago, mauriceatkinson@btconnect. said:

I am assuming that the parity drive should not be showing invalid?

If you description is correct it shouldn't, but since it is, best bet is possibly cloning the disk with ddrescue, then try to mount the clone 

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