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Parity Check Time


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Just launched into a parity check and it says 694 minutes remaining. I have a 2TB parity drive and a pair of 2TB data drives on unraid 4.7.

Is this length of time normal for such a small array? Its nearly 11 hours !!

Yes... could be quite normal.  (especially if the drive spin up time skewed the initial numbers) 



Looks like you are somewhere near 50MB/s

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Looks like that total time has dropped a bit, I just got back in from the evening out and it shows 160 minutes remaining which puts it finishing somewhere around 3.00am...when I worked out the finish time earlier it was more like 6.00am.


So, unless some changes are made or there is a problem shutting down or booting up, how often will parity checks happen or be needed? I'm guessing not so often?

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