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YAUQ - Yet Another Upgrade Question

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I'm looking to take the plunge and upgrade to 5b14 from 4.7.  Everything I've read seems to indicate it should not be a problem with my hardware. I least I hope I understood the info here correctly.


Anyway, I run SAB, Sickbeard, Couchpotato, cache_dirs and airvideo. When I upgrade, should I disable these applications beforehand so they do not try to start at startup?



ok I now have it running 5b14, any everything is working great on stock.  How do I go about running SAB, Sickbeard, Couchpotato, airvideo and mysql to use my configuration settings from before?


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I guess what I'm asking is, what is the proper way to upgrade from packages to plugins?

set the packages to not re-install on reboot.


confirm they are not installed.

upgrade to 5.Xbeta

install the plugins...  stop array and reboot after installing each one, to confirm it does not prevent the array from stopping, or re-starting.


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