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Mover not working - Rsync Errors

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Hey All,


Had no issues with my rig for years until I ran out of space on disk1, ever since then the mover script doesn't move anything and I get rsync errors re duplicate objects etc.


Jun  2 05:55:39 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/ae.numbers
Jun  2 05:55:40 Tower logger: rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1042) [sender=3.0.7]
Jun  2 05:55:40 Tower logger: moving movies/
Jun  2 05:55:40 Tower logger: ./movies/Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009)/Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009).mkv
Jun  2 05:55:40 Tower logger: rsync: get_xattr_data: lgetxattr(".","user.org.netatalk.supports-eas.J81lLk",0) failed: Exec format error (
Jun  2 05:55:40 Tower logger: rsync: get_xattr_data: lgetxattr("movies","user.org.netatalk.supports-eas.1o11Os",0) failed: Exec format error (
Jun  2 05:55:40 Tower logger: .d..t...... movies/
Jun  2 05:55:40 Tower logger: >f......... movies/Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009)/Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009).mkv
Jun  2 05:55:40 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/ae.numbers
Jun  2 05:55:55 Tower last message repeated 49 times
Jun  2 05:55:58 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/Website/discount.gif
Jun  2 05:55:58 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/Website/discount2.png
Jun  2 05:55:58 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/Website/discount3.png
Jun  2 05:55:58 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/Website/._discount2.png
Jun  2 05:55:58 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/Website/._discount3.png
Jun  2 05:55:58 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/Website/._discount.gif
Jun  2 05:55:58 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/Website/discount.gif
Jun  2 05:55:58 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/Website/discount2.png
Jun  2 05:55:58 Tower shfs/user: duplicate object: /mnt/disk3/aluminumeyewear/Website/discount3.png


When mover runs I either get the 'rsync: get_xattr_data: lgetxattr' error or duplicate object errors. As for the duplicate object errors I've checked them all and those files only exist on either the cache drive or one array disk.


I've checked cables etc and all appear fine. I've also gone through the errors listed in this http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=The_Analysis_of_Drive_Issues#Drive_Interface_Issues and none of those were in my syslog.


There is free space on other drives.  I use User shares with the shares set at Highwater - Split level 2 and min free space of 5000.


Running 5.0-beta12.


Any advice here would be greatly appreciated.

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it returns...



AE\ Player.fcp         btn.png         email-logo.png           header-bck.png         image-unavailable.png  movie-player.fcp  v3/
Aluminum\ Eyewear/     custom.png      feeds/                   header.png             liquid/                movies/           video-preview.png
OCTBLKO1.jpg           discount.gif*   freeship.png             header2.png            metal_warrior.png      player-logo.png
addcart.png            discount2.png*  gatorz/                  header3.png            movie-intro.png        resizeScript.jsf
aluminum_warranty.jpg  discount3.png*  gatorz_2011_catalog.pdf  image-unavailable.jpg  movie-logo.png         sitemap.xml

00000002  aaron.png  discount.png


after more messing about it seems that files are getting moved over, but not removed from the cache drive afterwards, which would explain why I then get a bunch of duplicate object messages.


I haven't changed anything at all my end.

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sure.. here you go


/dev/md8              1.9T  139G  1.7T   8% /mnt/disk8
/dev/md4              1.9T  1.7T  217G  89% /mnt/disk4
/dev/md6              1.9T  1.8T   93G  96% /mnt/disk6
/dev/md5              1.9T  1.7T  157G  92% /mnt/disk5
/dev/md7              1.9T  1.6T  233G  88% /mnt/disk7
/dev/md1              1.9T  1.8T   26G  99% /mnt/disk1
/dev/md3              1.9T  1.7T  191G  90% /mnt/disk3
/dev/md2              1.9T  1.7T  134G  93% /mnt/disk2

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sure.. here you go


/dev/md8              1.9T  139G  1.7T   8% /mnt/disk8
/dev/md4              1.9T  1.7T  217G  89% /mnt/disk4
/dev/md6              1.9T  1.8T   93G  96% /mnt/disk6
/dev/md5              1.9T  1.7T  157G  92% /mnt/disk5
/dev/md7              1.9T  1.6T  233G  88% /mnt/disk7
/dev/md1              1.9T  1.8T   26G  99% /mnt/disk1
/dev/md3              1.9T  1.7T  191G  90% /mnt/disk3
/dev/md2              1.9T  1.7T  134G  93% /mnt/disk2


Do you know how much data is currently on your cache drive? By any chance is it more than 26GB? I think the reason you are having problems is the way you have split level setup. Split level works as intended but often our usage habits can cause unexpected results. I had a similar issue where a drive filled up completely and it caused the mover to crap out.


Your split level is currently set to 2 (as you stated) therefore anything created deeper than "SHARE NAME\FIRST LEVEL" will attempt to reside on the same drive where the "FIRST LEVEL" folder was first created. I think part of your problem is the mover is trying to add to your movies/website folder which was originally created on disk1 (currently @ 99%) but doesn't have enough space.


Check how much data is on your cache drive either with the webUI or by mapping the cache share as a network drive to see how much space you might need on that disk (assuming it wants to dump all of your cache drive to the same share). Then access your disk shares directly (\\tower\disk1) and move some data between your drives. If disk8 is part of the same user share then it would be a good candidate to dump a heap of data as it currently has the most free space.

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the data on there is less than 26Gb.


There was one big file of 160Gb that pushed the limit over on disk1, so I've moved that to the new disk (disk8) so the free space on disk1 is more inline with the rest of the older disks.


The movies and tv folders are spread over all 7 data disks and it was never an issue before, it just added data to the disk with the most available disk space. Ever since disk1 filled up mover hasn't worked properly.

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