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RED LED on Icy Dock - external 3TB vs. internal 3TB - Seagate Model ST3000DM001


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I purchased a new Seagate 3TB External Expansion Model STAY3000102 drive intending on removing the drive from the USB 3.0 enclosure and inserting it into my Icy Dock 5 in 3 Model MB455SPF-B located in my unRAID server.  The external model is $30 cheaper with the same warranty than the internal model and I got a free USB 3.0 cable.  After removing the drive, it was model ST3000DM001 part # 9YN166-570 firmware CC9D made in Thailand.  After inserting it in the Icy Dock, the LED under my drive on my Icy Dock was RED meaning the drive was bad per Icy Dock.  It glows RED before and after the O/S boots up.  I have three of the same model Icy Docks and it was RED on all three after trying each one.  There is no problem with the drive as I can read/write to it.  I went to Seagate's web page and found a firmware update for the new Barracuda 1TB/platter drives located at:




The problem is this firmware only updates drives currently with firmware CC46, CC47, CC49, CC4C, or CC4G.  Mine was CC9D and the firmware would not update.  I went back to Seagate's web page and found "Download Finder", a page where you can type in your Model/Serial #:




I tried both the Model ST3000DM001/ Serial # Z1Fxxxxx located on the internal drives sticker and also the model and serial # on the Seagate Expansion box, Model STAY3000102 / Serial # 2GHxxxxx.  They both said I had the most recent firmware CC9D, which causes the red light on my Icy Dock. 


New plan.  I bought a new internal drive model ST3000DM001 part # 9YN166-302 firmware CC4C.  It's sticker said it was made in China.  The last 3 digits of the part # are different on the internal vs. external and the last 2 characters of the firmware are also different.  The internal drive was from China and the external drive was from Thailand.  I installed the new internal drive in my Icy Dock and I still had the RED LED of death!  My last chance was to upgrade the firmware from CC4C to CC4H.  It upgraded successfully and told me to power cycle the computer.  The light was green!  Until and if Seagate releases a firmware upgrade newer than CC9D for the CC9x series, you probably will have a RED light on your Icy Dock.



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