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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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I'll look into it, sounds odd, can't say I've ever run unto that, the plugin should look for the proper executable before trying to start and install if it doesn't exist. That is the only difference between starting from the "enable" side vs hitting install then start. The start button calls the same block of code, just skips the install.


Actually, you never mentioned, when it worked did you change the install directory back to /mnt/cache/.apps ? Or did you leave it as default? You mentioned changing the data dir but not the install.

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When trying to install headphones with the command prompt I get this error message


Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /boot/config/plugins/headphones_unplugged.plg:1537 : parser error: Premature end of data in tag html line 5 in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13


Warning: simplexml_load_file():  in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13 xml parse error


It also says similar to the last like:


Warning: simplexml_load_file(): </body> in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13 xml parse error

Warning: simplexml_load_file(): </html> /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13 xml parse error


What am I doing wrong?

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I had sabnzbd installed and working fine until I rebooted my machine today.  When I try and install the sab package, it hangs and won't download.  I removed the plugin and all traces of it and re-installed but still no success.  (using the latest from github).


I think it hangs on the version check.  It never downloads the sab src.tar.gz package.  Attached is a screengrab of the output.


My other Influencer packages CP, sickbeard and airvideo all install fine.


Is anyone else having issues?



PS Thanks to Influencer for the great plugins.


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I had sabnzbd installed and working fine until I rebooted my machine today.  When I try and install the sab package, it hangs and won't download.  I removed the plugin and all traces of it and re-installed but still no success.  (using the latest from github).


I think it hangs on the version check.  It never downloads the sab src.tar.gz package.  Attached is a screengrab of the output.


My other Influencer packages CP, sickbeard and airvideo all install fine.


Is anyone else having issues?



PS Thanks to Influencer for the great plugins.



well, here is the same ;(


root@Tower:/boot/config/plugins# /etc/rc.d/rc.sabnzbd start

Installing latest version of SABnzbd...

tar: /tmp/SABnzbd--src.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory

tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

cp: cannot stat `/tmp/SABnzbd-/*': No such file or directory

... OK

Starting SABnzbd: sudo -u root python -OO /usr/local/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py -d -s --config-file /mnt/cache/unraid/apps/sabnzbd --pid /var/run/sabnzbd/ > /dev/null 2>&1

python: can't open file '/usr/local/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory


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Similar issue here, rebooted server and SABnzbd says not installed. Can't reinstall it from the GUI, says it#s installing then just drops me back to the same page with the install button.


Tried removing all traces and running install from telnet installplg command, it says installed successfully won't install from the gui, also keeps setting my port back to 8081 when the install fails.


No errors in my syslog only this.


sudo:    root : TTY=console ; PWD=/tmp ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python -OO /usr/local/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py -d -s --config-file /mnt/cache/.apps/sabnzbd --pid /var/run/sabnzbd/ > /dev/null 2>$stuff$1


Thought it was something I1d done but maybe not ?!?  :-\

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The issue is with sourceforge. I can band-aid it but it will break the upgrade functionality in the mean-time and alway say there is an update but won't tell what version.


Is there possibly an option of having a forked version so those of us who have rebooted and need a fresh install can get Sabnzbd back and when sourceforge is back up just update via the original plugin?


Just a thought! :)

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Until I can get the temp fix up please do the following:


cd /tmp
wget -q -O sabnzbd.tar.gz http://sourceforge.net/projects/sabnzbdplus/files/latest/download?source=files
tar -xf sabnzbd.tar.gz
rm -Rf /tmp/sabnzbd.tar.gz
cp -Rf /tmp/SABnzbd*/* /path/to/your/installdir
rm -Rf /tmp/SABnzbd*


for the /path/to/your/installdir if you currently have it set to install to /usr/local/sabnzbd you would run "cp -Rf /tmp/SABnzbd*/* /usr/local/sabnzbd/


You MAY have to make the install directory, the plug-in should have done this but if you get an error running the cp command that the directory doesn't exist, run this:

mkdir -p /path/to/installdir
mkdir -p /usr/local/sabnzbd


I'll get a fix up as soon as I can, gotta run right now but will push it when I get home.

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UPDATE: Just checked, sourceforge is up again, so I won't be updating it right now. Still considering moving to using their git instead, dev's have told me the git is almost always stable.

Just curious, Influencer, but is there a reason to not treat the apps the same way as dependencies (i.e., don't redownload the app on every install/power on)?  I know that wouldn't matter for new installs, but it would minimize these issues for reboots, no? 

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UPDATE: Just checked, sourceforge is up again, so I won't be updating it right now. Still considering moving to using their git instead, dev's have told me the git is almost always stable.

Just curious, Influencer, but is there a reason to not treat the apps the same way as dependencies (i.e., don't redownload the app on every install/power on)?  I know that wouldn't matter for new installs, but it would minimize these issues for reboots, no?

Just a thought, but perhaps build in a fallback option?  Thinking along the lines of keep copy of last downloaded tar in plugin dir, put in a test between the wget and untar such as if no new file was downloaded assume something went wrong and revert to using previous file on flash.


I've not looked extensively at the code, but I assume this issue only affects those who are installing the application part of sab to non-persistent storage and that anyone who has chosen to install onto say, cache will not hit this issue?

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Hello and thanks to all of you ahead of time.


Installed the plugin and its seems to be working great.


I have this error along the top that says the following:


"No PAR2 program found, repairs not possible"


I have done some brief Google searching and found some people with similar issues, but they weren't running on Unraid. Would love to fix it. Appreciate the help. Thank you.

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Yes, if you install to a disk you will not be affected. If you install to a non-persistant location it will not be downloaded on reboot. For Sab you wouldn't be bothered by updates as often as you would for one like couchpotato or Sickbeard as those have minor updates more often. Installing to non-persistant areas ensures the most up to date versions of those.


This is also why I've never included a fallback option, since its so easy to just put the install on disk. Only thing I'd recommend is having the install in a separate directory from the data directory.

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Hello and thanks to all of you ahead of time.


Installed the plugin and its seems to be working great.


I have this error along the top that says the following:


"No PAR2 program found, repairs not possible"


I have done some brief Google searching and found some people with similar issues, but they weren't running on Unraid. Would love to fix it. Appreciate the help. Thank you.


I'll have to look at it, seems the par program may not have installed or could be getting squashed. Have you ever downloaded another par program with unmenu or manually?

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I am having permission issues with sabnzbd and couchpotato right now. I am currently running them as user "nobody". What I want to know is if "nobody" is actually defined as a user.


I believe everyone else will be experiencing the same problem as myself, but I would need people to download a specific film to prove my theory.


The problem is when this film fails to download it is moved to the complete folder but it is not deleted. I have set couchpotato to delete failed downloads. You can read about my issue here.




Many thanks.


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Nobody is defined as a user. The plugin even checks and if its not it will add the user.


The issue is most likely a timing issue, it doesn't happen all the time for me but I occassionally get the same thing. I think its probably an issue with Sab not releasing the failed download before couchpotato tries to delete it. Problem is, its nearly impossible to test that theory.

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The problem is I can recreate the problem each and every time with that one film. It fails because of password protection. I have tried it 10 times in a row and it still does not work.


I am now trying to find another film which will fail on me so I can test if its folder is deleted after it fails to download.

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Little update for the Gamez plug-in. You no longer need to edit the Gamez.ini, I've supplied a stock ini file with the change and directed it to the plug-in config folder. This works to our advantage in two ways


1. You don't have to muck with the ini file to make the change(as this can be confusing if you aren't familiar with linux)

2. Even if you don't supply a data dir your configuration will be safe and persistent through a reboot.


Again, must stress, do not use the in-program updater. It points to the old master branch so it will break your install. The plug-in updater will work, so please use it!


Where is the Gamez plug-in to download? I couldnt find it on the link

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