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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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I can create an apps share, put it on /mnt/cache/apps, and tell it to use only the cache drive, right?  Do I put "cache" in included disks, or leave it as the default of "All"?  And will this exempt the mover from moving it?


Yes, under the cache drive option change it to "only", you do not need to modify the included disks setting. This will exempt the share from the mover.


Where is the Gamez plug-in to download? I couldnt find it on the link


It can be found on the dev branch of the github repo.



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Thanks for the plugins. Installations went flawlessly.


Issue : I have an error along the top of my Sabnzbd page saying "No PAR2 program found, repairs not possible" I also have errors like "par2 binary... NOT found!" in my log.


I assume its something simple, but i'm new to linux and could use some help. Thanks all!


- Greg

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Oops, i'm sorry you replied to my previous question about the same thing. To answer your response influencer, I don't think I have downloaded any packages in unmenu related to this. When I check my /boot/packages folder I do see something under the name of "par2cmdline_tbb-0.4-i486-1kh" and its a winrar archive. Could this be it?

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Hello and thanks to all of you ahead of time.


Installed the plugin and its seems to be working great.


I have this error along the top that says the following:


"No PAR2 program found, repairs not possible"


I have done some brief Google searching and found some people with similar issues, but they weren't running on Unraid. Would love to fix it. Appreciate the help. Thank you.


I'll have to look at it, seems the par program may not have installed or could be getting squashed. Have you ever downloaded another par program with unmenu or manually?


Thanks for help. Deleted the files from the packages folder, and rebooted the server. Error is gone! Appreciate it!

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Retarded question.


I followed the instructions here:




And just installed the plugins for Sab, Sickbead, and Couchpotato.  Did it from the command prompt using installplg.


All three went through some routines and then spat out "plugin successfully installed"


Should I be seeing setup routines following these commands?  Or do I just reboot at this point (and will all three be running?)  Any quick and dirty pointers for configuring (other than reading the 69 pages in this thread, which I am slowly doing)?


ETA rebooted... None are showing up in the process list, and the sab cfg file shows /usr/local/sabnzbd as the install and data dir -- that directory does not exist.  Do I need to do a bunch of stuff by hand?



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Not really, I've never messed with it and would have no clue where to begin with testing. After the holidays I'm going to start on a few new plug-ins, right now I'm kind of waiting for the stable release as well as more time. Between now and new years I'll be busy and don't want to add to the load here or else all of the plug-ins would likely suffer from neglect.


I am taking the requests into consideration and like I said, after the holidays I'll see about working on them. :)

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I switched from my own hacks to your plugins yesterday and I am very pleased with the results so far.


There's just one thing that's not working: I can't run CP as nobody. It's a permission issue:


root@mediatower:/boot/plugins# sudo -u nobody python /boot/plugins/couchpotato/CouchPotato.py --debug --config_file /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2/settings.conf --pid_file /var/run/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato_v2.pid
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/boot/plugins/couchpotato/CouchPotato.py", line 129, in <module>
  File "/boot/plugins/couchpotato/CouchPotato.py", line 84, in run
    runCouchPotato(self.options, base_path, sys.argv[1:], data_dir = self.data_dir, log_dir = self.log_dir, Env = Env)
  File "/boot/plugins/couchpotato/couchpotato/runner.py", line 93, in runCouchPotato
    shutil.copy2(src_file, os.path.join(new_backup, os.path.basename(src_file)))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/shutil.py", line 96, in copy2
    copystat(src, dst)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/shutil.py", line 68, in copystat
    os.chmod(dst, mode)
OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/boot/plugins/couchpotato-datadir/db_backup/1351271270/settings.conf'


As you can see, I'm running all the plugins from the flash drive as I don't have a cache drive installed. All the other plugins (sab, sb, transmission, headphones) work fine.


Running as root isn't very smooth since I have to chown every time a new movie is downloaded or else I can't access it on the network :/


Any clue you can give me?

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Hey guys, so i have sab, couch, sick and headphones working awesome now. I wanted to know the best way to minimise activity on my HDD's. I'm using a HP microserver with 5 x 2TB drives. Between searching for files, updating libraries, and downloading files etc there seems to be alot of activity. I want to try and have my HDD's spun down for as long as possible. What is the best way to do this? I think you can move the plugins' log files to the flash drive or something and also limit how often the plugins scan your library and search for new files.


Anyone got a better idea than me?


*edit* just thought I'd add, if there is any chance of doing this causing instability or faults or anything I'd rather not do it, cheers !!

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Hey guys, so i have sab, couch, sick and headphones working awesome now. I wanted to know the best way to minimise activity on my HDD's. I'm using a HP microserver with 5 x 2TB drives. Between searching for files, updating libraries, and downloading files etc there seems to be alot of activity. I want to try and have my HDD's spun down for as long as possible. What is the best way to do this? I think you can move the plugins' log files to the flash drive or something and also limit how often the plugins scan your library and search for new files.


Very good question, I was wondering the same thing just yesterday.

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I'll have to wait until I get home for the specifics but its possible to move the log files. It wouldn't cause instability. My logs go to /var/log/sab etc.


Not sure about other settings, all of my disks stay spun down the majority of the time, the only disk that didn't was my cache drive which does now after I moved the logs.

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I wouldn't suggest logging to the flash drive, as that's going to cause a heck of a lot of writes to it and likely cause it to fail early.  I don't really have a need to keep my logs after reboot, so Sab and SB logs go to /tmp/log for me.  You can configure these all within the WebGUI of each program.  I also wrote up a Wiki probably over a year ago about how to minimize disks spinning up for Sab and SB.  It's pretty dated and some of it may not apply any more, but my config is still pretty similar.  You can find it here:



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Not really, I've never messed with it and would have no clue where to begin with testing. After the holidays I'm going to start on a few new plug-ins, right now I'm kind of waiting for the stable release as well as more time. Between now and new years I'll be busy and don't want to add to the load here or else all of the plug-ins would likely suffer from neglect.


I am taking the requests into consideration and like I said, after the holidays I'll see about working on them. :)


When I get more free time I'll see about adding some of these plug-ins. Right now I'm just swamped, :).

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Thanks for the reply


I don't mind where the logs go, or if they are deleted on reboot or whatever, as long as they keep the HDD's spun down so if you find out where the best place to

put them is, I'd love to know.


I will also have a look around in the settings when I get time to see the best way to limit plugin searching and updating activity, Thanks again.

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just wanted to say, love what you've done with the plugins.

sometimes real life is a bitch, so i didn't have time left for coding (or even maintaining the download-links, when they didn't work anymore) :)

so thanks for taking over. just updated the plugins on my server to your versions.

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Just making an official request for a TVHeadend plugin :)


By the very nature if the majority of your plugins it seems everybody in the thread is using the unRAID server as a media hub, and to migrate my TV Tuner to my unRAID box would be ideal. Also it seems that the next milestone of TVHeadend is timeshifting which will require possibly large amounts of disk space or access... Another good reason to have it directly on our servers!


I know your chilling till after the hol's but just wanted to put the case forward!



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