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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Using the TV download dir + scan and process.........should not be selected if using the SB script.


It could be that the autoprocess.tv.cfg  file is not being recognized by sab. The autoprocess.tv.cfg needs to be moved to the Sab scripts folder..  Did you do this step? You could move it manually. However I suggest you use the excellent instructions in Influencer's Wiki.


Taken from the wiki.  https://github.com/Influencer/UNplugged/wiki/How-to-setup-Sab-and-Sickbeard-in-unRAID


When all else fails, read the instructions. :o


Yep I probably should have specified that I tried them independent of one another. I copied the sabToSickbeard files into a persistent folder named scripts then set that as the scripts folder in SAB. I was also able to choose sabToSickbeard.py as the script to run for my tv category but that didnt seem to work despite SAB saying:


Opening URL:


Which I assume was it trying to pass it through to Sickbeard (8081 is its port). Still Sickbeard didn't do anything with the files.

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Trying couchpotato_v2.

Plug-in got installed without errors. It was showing "Status: NOT INSTALLED" in unRaid UI.

When I changed the install directory and clicked "Apply", the following message displayed nd browser session never stopped.


Installing latest version of CouchPotato v2...

... OK

Starting CouchPotato v2: sudo -u root python /mnt/user/app/couchpotato_v2/CouchPotato.py --daemon --config_file /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2/settings.conf --pid_file /var/run/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato_v2.pid



Then I stopped the browser session, went to the plug-in settings in unRaid UI again and clicked Install.

This time it showed "Installing latest version of CouchPotato v2...", then ".... OK" and that's it.

It is still not installed and the install directory is empty.


Is it a known problem or I am doing something wrong?

I run 5.0-rc8a.


Thanks in advance.


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Trying to get Sabnzbd to work on unRaid.  Aways says stopped in CP.


Enabling Sabnzbd
Starting sabnzbd
Starting SABnzbd: sudo -u nobody python -OO /usr/local/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py -d -s --config-file /mnt/cache/hoard/sabnzbd --pid /var/run/sabnzbd/ > /dev/null 2>&1
sudo: python: command not found



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If you are seen the sabtosickbeard.py in the Sab drop down, you are ok with the script being properly defined.

What I would try next is to go into the SickBeard setting and take a couple of thing out.


TV Download Dir ..... should be blank.

NOTE: Use only if not using SABnzbd+ post processing.


Scan and Process..... uncheck

NOTE: Do not use if you use sabToSickbeard w/ SABnzbd+!

Then you can use the Manual Post Processing options to test. If you have a completed download the sab downloads/complete dir. Or copy one there. Manual  Post processing will allow you to view the processing and aid in troubleshooting.


This maybe preventing the sabtosickbeard from running.

Im betting the script will run after you make these changes.

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In case it is useful:


root@Hoard:/mnt/cache/appdata# ls -lsa /mnt/cache/appdata
total 12
0 drwxrwx--- 4 nobody users    168 2012-11-07 01:45 ./
0 drwxrwx--- 5 nobody users    104 2012-11-07 01:22 ../
8 -rw-rw---- 1 nobody nogroup 6148 2012-11-07 01:26 .DS_Store
4 -rw-rw---- 1 nobody nogroup 4096 2012-11-07 01:26 ._.DS_Store
0 drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody users     80 2012-11-07 01:40 sabnzbd/
0 drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody users     48 2012-11-07 01:45 sickbeard/


ahh, this is likely useful ;)

root@Hoard:/usr/local/sabnzbd# ./SABnzbd.py 
-bash: ./SABnzbd.py: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

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Don't have much time tonight, but a few things here:


yp_1, I'll pm you a link to a "debug" version to try.


shat, reporting python is not installed. Do you have any other apps that install python(excluding those I maintain)? Can you verify if python is indeed installed?


type python, it should start up a python environment, which essentially is just a print out of the version and other info, then it will give you a command line back, starting with >>>

To exit type "exit()" without the quotes. If that does come up, python works, if not, try reinstalling python. You can look in /boot/packages to see what python package is there and type upgradepkg --installnew /boot/packages/packagename.txz


zott, sab MUST unrar those archives before sickbeard can do anything with them. Check your sabnzbd log for clues as to why its not unraring.

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Do I need to select the +Unpack processing option for the TV category to get it to unpack or is just having the option checked in switches enough?


Also another issue is that the Plex notification setting doesn't work. It just rejects the server settings when setting it to auto update the library.

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I am having trouble getting couchpotato_v2 working. I downloaded the plg using your link on page 1 of this topic using wget to /boot/config/plugins. I installed with installplg and went to the web interface.


I configured Install directory to /mnt/disk1/installed/couchpotato_v2 and Data directory checked with value /mnt/disk1/installed/couchpotato_v2/data and also tried /mnt/disk1/installed/couchpotato_v2_data. I also have the enabled drop down set to yes and click apply. At that point it hangs with the below shown on the screen. When I check the cp directory manually its empty. It's almost as if it is not getting the files from github or whatever. I have successfully installed sickbeard and sabnzbd and they have both been working for 2 weeks now.


Installing latest version of CouchPotato v2...

... OK

Starting CouchPotato v2: sudo -u nobody python /mnt/disk1/installed/couchpotato_v2/CouchPotato.py --daemon --config_file /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2/settings.conf --pid_file /var/run/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato_v2.pid



Any ideas?

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Well I don't know if this pertains the to post above mine but I did notice that plugin config file has the location to the setting file for couchpotato_v2 hard coded.


So open


you will see



Change that to where you would like you config file, I put it in the same folder as data. Which is where sabnzbd and sickbeard keep there config/settings file.


I assumed Influencers intention would be to place the settings.cfg file in the data folder that is configured in the gui.

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My plug-in is suppose to install it when the plug-in is installed.


Try running


installplg /boot/config/plugins/sabnzbd_unplugged.plg


And then try to start sab again, might have been an error that stopped python from installing


Influencer:  I've tried the upgradepkg --installnew /boot/packages/python-2.6.6-i486-1.txz with no success, I get the error:


Cannon install --installnew:  file not found

Error: there is no installed package named python-2.6.6-i486-1. (looking for /var/log/packages/python-2.6.6-i486-1)



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root@Hoard:~# installplg /boot/config/plugins/sabnzbd_unplugged.plg
installing plugin: sabnzbd_unplugged
file /boot/packages/python-2.6.6-i486-1.txz: already exists
  upgradepkg --install-new /boot/packages/python-2.6.6-i486-1.txz ...
| Installing new package /boot/packages/python-2.6.6-i486-1.txz

Verifying package python-2.6.6-i486-1.txz.
xz: (stdin): Unexpected end of input
Unable to install /boot/packages/python-2.6.6-i486-1.txz:  tar archive is corrup                                                                                                                                                             t (tar returned error code 2)


del'd the py packages and reinstalled.

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Well I don't know if this pertains the to post above mine but I did notice that plugin config file has the location to the setting file for couchpotato_v2 hard coded.


So open


you will see



Change that to where you would like you config file, I put it in the same folder as data. Which is where sabnzbd and sickbeard keep there config/settings file.


I assumed Influencers intention would be to place the settings.cfg file in the data folder that is configured in the gui.


I'm not sure this is the issue however I went ahead and tried it. I still am unable to start couchpotato and the folder remains devoid of any downloaded files (python scripts, etc). Is there a log for that "Apply" button on the settings page? It says installing OK but I don't believe it since nothing ends up in the folder.

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The reason its not working is the plug-in uses git to download couchpotato. Git will not download into a directory that has ANY files or directories already in it. Where you set the data folder to /installed/couchpotato_v2 the first time, the data folder got created and now git will not install couchpotato there. Remove the data directory and then install.


I'll probably change how it gets installed as this is an issue. I never thought of it that way since I keep the two separate.


Also, the setting for the config file in couchpotato_v2.cfg is hardcoded because that is the safest place for the config file. It does not need to be changed(/boot/ is your flash drive). Since the config is rarely changed once set up it does not run the risk of causing a lot of writes to the flash drive, and without the flash drive the plug-in is useless as unraid will not be running on your system, so it stands to reason it is the best place for the config file.


Take, for instance, if you had the install and data directory on your cache drive, and your cache drive failed, you'd lose all your settings as well as your database. Same goes for if its on disk1 ~ diskX, if you had a two drive failure and that was one of the drives, everything would be lost. With the config file located on your flash drive, in the event of a drive failure after a new disk is installed and couchpotato is installed, it will pick up the config file and you will have to do nothing further. Saves a little bit of trouble(especially since the hardest part of these apps is setting them up).


EDIT: Also, one argument would be if the flash drive failed you'd be in the same boat. This is true, but since the flash drive holds all settings for unraid as well, I would assume(and at very least suggest) making periodic backups of the flash drive just in case of failure, which would, of course, back up the couchpotato settings file in the process, :)

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I completely agree that the config file should reside in a safe location. But unless I'm mistaken the config file for the other plugins (sickbeard and sabnzbd) are placed in the same location as the data folder. Why would couchpotato act differently? How I came to find that the config file for couchpotato was located on the flash drive was because I was actually trying to restore my settings.cfg file from a previous install. For sabnzbd and sickebeard I just placed there config files in the data folders and I got all my settings back. I tried the same with couchpotato and of course it didn't work. So as long it was consistent that would make it less confusing.


But I would like to add that the databases of these applications are equally as important as the settings files themselves. After you have a large tv show and movie library scanned in with quality settings and such its a lot of work, if not more then the settings, to redo the database.


In the past on 4.7 and I'm planing on doing it again with 5.0, I backup the databases and config files to my array, as they do sit on my cache or scratch drive outside of my array. So what I do is backup the data folder which contains both the settings and database files. I also backup my flash drive but it just makes sense to me to keep the db and setting together for each application.

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