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New 1st time server build with X7SPA-HF-D525, have some questions


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I am setting up a unraid server for the first time. I will use the Supermicro X7SPA-HF-D525 X7SPA-HF-D525 mainbord with 4 GB Memory.

The case i am going to use is a old CM stacker ST-101. I have also 4 times the Norco HDR-5 5in3 racks.

For the Power supply, i have an Cooler Master Silent Pro M1000

For extra Sata ports i will use Areca ARC-1300ix-16



The first questions i have are about the Cooling of the whole system.

The 120 mm Fan units of the Norco racks. that come along with them are visually of questional quality. I have 4 of these, and not 2 are the same strangely. One is missing the arrows for the air direction, other is missing a sticker, 3rd one has the wire connections coming out on the other side etc.


Since the Supermicro supports PWM and the results other people have with it, i would like to go for an all PWM solutions. The system will be in my HT room which is dedicated room which is well insulated. There is air refresh with outside air, and a airco when i use the room. It tends to warm up to 28-30 degrees celcius when the airco is not on and PC is running (i7 with 12 hdd's) and myself in the room.

So PWM will be nice as i hope that when the temperature goes down to 21 when the airco is on, the noise of the cooling will go down a little) When the server needs to move data from the cache drive during night hours, the temperature might rise so more cooling needed.



Question 1: 

The X7SPA-HF-D525 seems to have 2 times a 4 wire PWM Fan connection. Since there is no active CPU cooler on the unit, the 120 mm outlet fan of the Stacker case which is located near the CPU could be connected to the CPU FAN connector.

Can i daisy chain an other fan to this first one ?


I can add 3 times a 80 mm fan without modification, but this would be an other type.

This would be the Noctua NF-R8 PWM than



Question 2:

Can i use a Noctua NF-P12 PWM

in front of each MDT-5 rack to replace the Norco unit.

These 4 daisy chained to the 2nd fan outlet of the mainbord.



Questions 3:

Will these 8 fans overload the system ?

It would be 4 x 0.6 = 2.4 Watt on the Case connection

And 0.6 + 3 x 0.72 = 2,76 Watt on the CPU connection


I read somewhere on the forum that 60 watts would be the limit and that includes the PCI-E slot which has the Areca Arc-1300ix-16 in it. That could than consume 54 watts.




Question 4:

The stacker is an open case (huge side panel)

Can i use 4 inlet fans in front of the 5in3 racks and only one 120 mm outlet above the CPU + the power supply blowing out air ?

I will put more air in than i will active blow out.

Even if i would add 3 times a 80 mm fan (question 2) i not reach the same amount of air of those inlet fans.



If i need to match the amount of air going in to the amount of air going out, wich other fans would be the best option ?

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To add some info, the first batch of hdd's for this system are 4 TB hitatchi 7200 rpm drives (5)

I will transfer data from my other hdd's to them, and than i will have some 1.0 TB samsungs (green and none green) 1.5 TB samsungs (non green i think) 2.0 TB seagate green drives free, to add to the server. So i need to calculate the airflow for non green drives.


I have now room for 20 hdds in the front, but plenty of room to put 2 more 5in3 racks internally. But that is a challenge again for cooling i fear


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As you know i've got 3 Norco SS-400 hotswap units, and replaced each stock 8cm 1500rpm fan with a silent Noctua, at 1300rpm, 40m3/h a piece for a total airflow of 120m3/h. My mini tower has 2 12cm fans in the enclosure, each should handle 60m3/h, both connected to the mainboard. So my inflow == outflow. Still, it's an educated guess as well...


What i can tell you is that the Hitachi 4TB disks run at 36-38 celcius, and the X7SPA mainboard/cpu runs around 40-45 celcius.

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I did find in a review on the Noctua PWM fans that with PWM on 50% the rpm is also at 50%


So it should be possible to tweak the inlet to the outlet a bit, if i cool the hdd's enough that is.

4 x NF-P12 PWM inlet at 50%  = 184 M3

1x NF-F12 PWM + 3 x NF-R8 PWM at 50% at outlet = ~130 M3 (hopefully the power supply does the remaining 60 M3


I will just test it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have connected the fans.

Case connection on the mainbord have 4 times a NF-P12 connected.

Cpu connector has a NF-F12 and NF-R8 connected.


Currently under mainbord control.


Preclearing drives now and the drives are between 37 and 41 degrees celcius. This with 21 degrees environment.

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Thats consistent with my experience with this drives as well. I even think the Hitachis report a higher temperature then it actually is, or unraid/smart is mistaken, because if you take the drive out and let it cool down to room temperature, lets say 21C, and put it back in the machine, it immediatly reports a temperature of about 31C... you would say it would take a while to warm up a bit?

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