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IPMI trouble on X9SCM


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When I switch on or power-cycle my X9SCM-F board remotely through IPMI, I can enter the boards BIOS just fine by pressing DEL in the iKVM viewer.

But I cant enter a controllers card BIOS by pressing the appropriate key, either M1015 or at the moment a Areca ARC1200 by pressing TAB/F6.


Is there something wrong with my setup or tming or is this a known issue?

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...is this for the IPMI native Ap or the Java-App loaded for remote-control via Web-UI?


The issue might be timing related, I think.

I am only using the Web-UI and noticed that the Java-App is not always responsive to certain keystrokes or combinations thereof when in the BIOS.

However, using the virtual keyboard always worked for me.

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