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UnRaid 6 feature request - 700 TB in less than a gram


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Storing data in your skin would be a fantastic way of transferring data securely…


... but think of the consequences of data theft!


I never did fancy a car which used fingerprint identity - I'm not sure whether the stories of digit amputation are factual, but I'd rather not tempt the thieves!

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Storing data in your skin would be a fantastic way of transferring data securely…


... but think of the consequences of data theft!


I never did fancy a car which used fingerprint identity - I'm not sure whether the stories of digit amputation are factual, but I'd rather not tempt the thieves!


I've felt the same way. Finger print scanners are one thing, but retinal scanners freak me out.

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I think it would take an unimaginably long time to read and write information.


That was my immediate thought, but then I see that the arrangement is that they use short dna chains, with an index to locate the correct chain.  In any case, they do seem to be proposing the technology for archival, rather than online storage.

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