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SATA-ports on X9SCM-F


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Question for all users of ESXi on a Supermicro X9SCM-F board:


Are you using the onboard SATA-ports for anything else the datastore? Or do you use them also in an unraid VM or for baremetal unraid.


I don't think they can be used in Pasthrough, cause then all 6 ports  need to be in passthrough, which make then unusable for datastore disks.

You can't passthrough only the 4 SATA300 ports, and not the SATA600 ports.

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Can't pass through as you said. It would do all of them including the sata6g as they share the same controller as the 3. But there is a way to pass one drive (bit of a hack) and many do this for the cache drive.


Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk 2


Hi marcus, can you explain this bit of a hack a little further?

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Can't pass through as you said. It would do all of them including the sata6g as they share the same controller as the 3. But there is a way to pass one drive (bit of a hack) and many do this for the cache drive.


Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk 2


Hi marcus, can you explain this bit of a hack a little further?


in this thred: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=14695.0

Everything you ever wanted to know about ESXi and UnRaid/Passthrough.

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